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There it was. A text. The name Theo written on the notification. For some reason, Ronan didn't feel anything at all, just a cold, icy rush through his veins, weighing down his movements.

It read: Allons nous amuser un peu.

Mierda, Theo.

He copied and pasted the text into google translate.

His breath caught.

Let's just have a little fun.

Ronan nearly dropped the phone.


They were planning to meet at the only gay bar for miles. Theo hadn't believed that Ronan actually agreed, hadn't thought of what he would say if he did, so it took many google searches and phone calls to find this place.

Ronan said he wanted to meet there, and not drive together, so Theo didn't know if Ronan was actually going to show up or not. He had bailed once before.

Theo arrived thirty minutes before the scheduled time at 11:00 p.m. The bar was open, and people were already starting to crowd the dance floor and bar.

His senses were heightened. Everywhere he turned Ronan jumped out at him.

Theo just wanted to have fun. Dance. Drink. Laugh. Nothing dangerous. Nothing serious.

But he also knew that Joe wouldn't approve of what he was doing. That there were so many reasons why Theo shouldn't be doing this.

He ignored all of them.

"Allons nous amuser," a voice Theo knew all too well said from behind him, barely audible over the loud, pounding music but distinct nonetheless.

Let's have some fun.


Ronan bought them some drinks, then they settled at the bar.

Theo was dressed in dark pants and a fitted forest green t-shirt, complementing his milk chocolate skin, and overall looking too attractive for his own good.

"So how has college been?" Theo asked.

"Intense. I'm either playing soccer or studying," Ronan said.

"No partying?" Theo asked.

Ronan smiled. "No."

"That doesn't sound like you," Theo said. Ronan brushed the comment off.

"How about you? College anything like you expected?" Ronan asked, redirecting the attention on Theo. Ronan didn't want to ponder on what Theo said, that he had changed and became someone different. Come to think of it, he didn't really want Theo to talk at all. Weren't they here to just have some fun?

"College is much better than high school," Theo said. Ronan nodded, took a swig from his drink, turned to Theo, his eyes dropping to his lips.

"Let's go dance?" Ronan asked.

Theo took the change of subject in stride, smiling lazily, mischievously, before walking towards the dance floor.

Ronan set his drink down and followed.


The music was everywhere, filling up the awkward pauses and unsure steps. Theo and Ronan squeezed through the thick crowd of people jumping and dancing and grinding against each other. There were more guys here, and a lot of them stood out with bright neon makeup and glow-in-the-dark outfits. Theo couldn't help but think they were so gay, then felt bad about thinking it.

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