la faute

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Theo and Joe were eating pizza at a casual restaurant. It was pleasant. Theo had forgotten what it felt like to just hang out with a friend, with someone who he wasn't trying to impress or seduce. Being with Ronan constantly couldn't possibly be healthy. At the same time, spending the night was probably the best thing Theo had done.

He loved Ronan. A lot. So much, that sometimes his heart hurt. Theo was determined to build whatever bridge needed, to cross whatever gap. They made plans for Sunday at Ronan's house. And the week brought more time to hang out.

Theo felt happy. Even his mom could sense a change. She sometimes feigned confusion and asked why he was smiling or blushing, only to sigh exaggeratedly and dramatically wave him away.

Joe commented occasionally on how Theo had so much energy lately. Even his soccer coach noticed! Theo found the coach clapping his back and yelling his name in practice more often, praising his good passes and smart moves.

"The pizza that good?" Joe asked. Theo laughed (he couldn't help himself), and shook his head. He must have been smiling to himself.

"It is pretty good pizza," Theo admitted, as an afterthought. Joe took another bite, nodding.

"It's the crust. Not too thin, not too thick. Perfect," Joe said. Theo agreed.

Could things get any better?

His phone buzzed.

It was a text from Ronan: missing you

Theo smiled and blushed, his stomach somersaulting as he quickly typed a reply.

I guess things could get better after all.


Ronan's hands shook as he held his phone, reading and rereading the text Will just sent him.

Marisa rly likes you. Gonna hu with her Friday? Maybe for her birthday present ;)

Ronan wanted to throw his phone on the ground in frustration, but it was new, so he restrained.

Marisa was getting out of hand. Ronan had thought she would take the hint by now, but instead, she seemed more determined. Her birthday party was Friday, and everyone expected him to hook up with Marisa. Everyone.

And he still hadn't told Theo about it. Theo was coming by today, so Ronan decided to tell him then. It's not that big of a deal.

But what if Marisa makes a move? What if she figures it out?

He was really starting to run out of excuses. Suddenly there were footsteps.

"Ronan?" For a second Ronan's heart skipped a beat, thinking it was Theo, but then his stomach sunk when Will stepping into the living room.

"Oh...hey Will," Ronan said.

Shit, shit, shit.

Theo was going to be here any minute. How could he get Will out of the house in time?

"Don't get too excited," Will joked, a little uneasily, Ronan couldn't help but notice. There was an awkward silence. Ronan knew why. He had been completely avoiding his friends for the past week. Even at the party, when he was forced to hang around them, avoided questions and having to give explanations. It wasn't that hard—everyone wanted to talk about the game.

But now? Will stood a few feet from him, and there were no places Ronan could hide.

Ronan opened his mouth to speak when the door opened. His lungs froze in his rib cage, but his heart started pounding faster.

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