cercle complet

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"W-what?" Ronan asked. His heart was stuttering in his chest. Why? Just a moment ago he didn't care.

Maybe he did care, but he had just told himself he didn't because someone finding out seemed impossible.

"Theo. On the soccer team," Will said. Ronan couldn't discern what Will knew and how he felt about it.

"I know who you're talking about," Ronan said hotly, his mind reeling and spinning a million miles an hour, going through every conversation he had with Theo, with Will, and whether there was any slip, any mistake.

He couldn't find anything.

"So...was it like, serious?" Will asked. Ronan was frozen, staring at Will and trying to catch his breath but his brain must have shut off because everything was white static behind his eyelids.

"I...what...," Ronan tried to form a sentence, but suddenly he felt like crying, and he had to clench his hands in fists to stop himself from breaking down.

"You and Theo," Will said slowly, like he was trying to explain something to a small child. He was looking at Ronan as if he couldn't understand what the big deal was, which slapped some sense into Ronan's malfunctioning brain.

He realized that Will wasn't freaking out. That maybe if Ronan played it cool, everything would be okay. Plus, wouldn't this help him look better to Theo? If Theo found out that he had come out to Will, wouldn't that salvage some of his dignity that had been shattered?

"It's...complicated," Ronan said. Will raised an eyebrow.

"How so?" Will asked. Ronan tried to detect any disgust, maybe a hint of awkwardness, but found nothing except mild curiosity.

"He broke up with me," Ronan said, keeping his voice casual. Will frowned.

"So you guys aren't together anymore?" Will asked. Ronan shook his head. "Why?"

"It just wasn't working anymore, I guess. And I was a crappy boyfriend," Ronan said.

"Did you cheat on him?" Will asked.

"What? No. Of course not. Not exactly. I just led Marisa on when I knew she liked me. Then the whole kiss at the party went down and some other stuff. I mean, it was a dare. Didn't mean anything. But I lied about it and ruined everything," Ronan said. Will nodded his head, understanding dawning on him.

"Ohhh. I was trying to figure out why you kept turning down Marisa," Will said. He smiled sheepishly. "So...I know this is probably not a good time to ask and all....but did you and Theo...you know..."

Ronan's eyes widened once he realized the unspoken question, then he grabbed a pillow and threw it at Will.

"What?" Will asked, laughing as he caught the pillow. Ronan groaned and covered his face with his hands, hiding the grin stretching across his lips.


"Ronan?!" Joe exclaimed.

"Shhh!!!" Theo said hastily, "I told you not to make a scene!"

Joe covered his mouth. "Right. Sorry, sorry. Okay. I'm not making a scene. Nope."

Joe had his lips exaggeratedly pressed in a line. Theo rolled his eyes. "I know you want to ask me a bunch of stuff. Just do it. Get it over with," Theo relented. Joe tried to compress an excited smile.

"Wait so are we talking about Marisa's Ronan?" Joe asked. Theo's mouth tightened at the corners, her name making him wince. Joe mouthed an 'oops'.

"Yeah. That Ronan," Theo said. Joe shook his head, running his fingers dramatically down his face.

"And I thought you liked Marisa this whole time," Joe said. Theo laughed out loud at that one. Marisa? Just no. Never.

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