le choix

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Theo blinked, eyelids heavy, head pounding and mouth dry.

"Here, some aspirin."

Theo opened his eyes to Ronan holding two white pills and a glass of water. Theo's lungs skipped a breath.

"Thank you," Theo said, swallowing the pills and swinging his legs over the side of the bed. Cold air washed over his bare skin, prickling the hair on his legs and arms with goosebumps.

Ronan blushed and looked away.

"The shower is around the corner. You can borrow any of my clothes," Ronan said, softly. Theo smiled, his headache already ebbing away, his whole body thrumming with a newfound energy.

When Ronan smiled, Theo's heart contracted, and he thought that maybe it wasn't the aspirin kicking in unusually fast, but just Ronan's mere presence that caused Theo to forget about all his pain.


Ronan placed the dishes on the table, suddenly worrying about plating and portion sizing and he wished that he had focused more when watching Master Chef.

"You made breakfast?"

Theo was walking down the stairs, adorned in one of Ronan's light blue boxers and too large white t-shirt. Ronan tried not to stare at how the fabric of his boxers fell just over the swell of Theo's thighs.

"It's not very good. But yeah," Ronan said. Theo smiled, sat down at the table, brought the plate filled with scrambled eggs, toast, and bacon closer to him. Ronan waited to see his reaction.

"It looks good," Theo said. Ronan relaxed slightly, like he just passed a test with good scores. Theo took a bite.

"Mhmm," Theo said, "tastes good too."

"Really?" Ronan asked. Theo took another bite, nodded, then took another bite and another and another.

Ronan watched as Theo ate food that he made, dressed in his clothes, waking up from a wild night in his house. Ronan knew it was everything he ever wanted—to be with Theo and just live together, enjoying each other's company.

He wanted it with every fiber of his being. And that's why he was so scared.


After breakfast Theo had quickly changed and left, not wanting to hang around Ronan like some desperate, clingy boyfriend. Especially since Theo was the one to suggest just having fun. Nothing more than that.

Breakfast came as a surprise, but not really. Ronan was a sentimental, romantic at heart, and one of the parts of Ronan that had always attracted Theo.

But he had expected it to end there. Done. One last time, for closure, and all that.

Two days later, Ronan texted and they met at the club again, danced and drunk until the room spun and they couldn't drive home so they took an uber to Ronan's house. Theo woke up in Ronan's arms, not quite remembering what had happened but knowing he had loved every second of it.

The next day they met at the club and did the whole thing over again. And again the day after that. Until they started to just meet at Ronan's house, having breakfast in the mornings, leaving, knowing that they were just going to meet up later that night.

Theo didn't know why he kept going back there every night. Except that's a lie, he knew exactly why. Ronan had changed. He matured. Coming out was no longer an issue. But it was also just different. Theo was older, he didn't expect as much from Ronan, and their nights were full of fun and experimentation, no teenage angst or drama or high school pressures.

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