l' obscurité

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After school Ronan picked Theo up at the usual spot, but Ronan could barely smile, his jaw tense and his knuckles white around the steering wheel.

Why, Ronan? Are you hiding something? Or is it the future? Is it a choice you have to make?

Does it have something to do with me?

"Hey, you okay?" Theo asked. They were only a foot away from each other, but again, Theo saw the divide between them growing and deepening, even after last night.

Ronan glanced to him with a weak smile.

"Yeah, just—tired," Ronan said. Theo couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, his lips quirking into a crooked grin, despite the tension. Ronan caught the expression and blushed red, biting his lip.

"You can nap at my place. Just for a little. My mom won't mind," Theo offered. Ronan looked sideways at him, surprised.

"Sure. Okay, thanks," Ronan said, his grip on the steering wheel loosening slightly and a faint smile fluttering on his lips. Theo looked straight ahead, his pulse already quickening because he hadn't expected that. Hadn't thought Ronan would actually take up the offer.

Didn't he have a party to host?

It was a silent drive the rest of the way to Theo's home, but nice, and comfortable. Theo's hand had found Ronan's between their seats, and Theo had ran his thumb over Ronan's knuckles.

And then they were home, and Theo's mom was smiling, and she sent them up to Theo's room.

"You can sleep on my bed," Theo said. Ronan looked up, startled, probably not realizing that Theo had been serious about the nap, and then grateful, relieved even.

"Okay," Ronan said. He was smiling. Theo smiled back. Then Ronan kicked off his shoes and climbed on Theo's bed pulling the covers over him. He patted the mattress next to him.

"Come here," Ronan said. Theo slipped his shoes off and joined Ronan on the bed, his heartbeat in his throat and lungs and fingertips. Ronan draped his arm over Theo's waist and brought him closer. Their noses brushed. Theo held his breath.

Ronan dipped his chin and fitted his lips against Theo's. Theo responded slowly, opening his lips and talking with his mouth, saying the things he couldn't say out loud with his tongue, each stroke a word, a phrase, a promise against Ronan's mouth.

Ronan separated and rested his head down on the pillow and closed his eyes. Theo smiled, wishing they could stay like this forever, wrapped in each other's arms and just resting.

Was that too much to ask?

Ronan radiated warmth and Theo couldn't help but melt into Ronan's arms, closing his eyes and trying to imitate Ronan's shallow breaths, in and out, in and out, at the same time.


Ronan woke up an hour later. It must've been almost five o'clock, nearing the hours of setup for the party. Marisa was probably already at his house. He gave her the keys during school so he wouldn't have to go home right away.

Theo was sleeping peacefully next to him. Ronan scanned Theo's face, absorbing each feature, trying to memorize, to keep his face in his mind forever.

Why did it feel like he was never going to be this close to Theo again?

Ronan wanted to reach out and trace the freckles that sprinkled Theo's cheekbones, the dark eyelashes framing his eyelids, the curve of his lips, and his hair curling and falling over his forehead, but he didn't want to wake him up.

Why does it feel like this was goodbye?

Ronan pressed a light, fleeting kiss on Theo's forehead, before gently getting off the bed.

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