par la suite

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"Ronan Garcia!"

Ronan grinned, ambled his way up the aisle to the stage. He couldn't believe this was happening, after everything, all the dreaming and hoping and wondering and wishing, he was finally here.

He grabbed the diploma, shook his principal's hand, then walked back to his seat.

The sky was blue, the sun a yellow light shining through white puffy clouds.

And when Theo's name was called, his heart didn't hurt as much, and he savored the last day he would ever see Theo again, those long legs, his curls that glowed under the midday sun.

Ronan memorized the way Theo's mouth turned up, a dimple creasing halfway in his cheek, and then his eyes, that light chocolate that complemented his dark skin so well.

And when their eyes locked, the world stood still, before Theo kept walking, away from Ronan, just like he always did, with Ronan's eyes the only thing following after him.


"This pizza is awesome. Who knew our school actually had good food," Joe said, taking another sloppy bite of his cheese pizza.

"Technically this isn't the school's food," Theo said. Joe rolled his eyes.

"So, excited for college?" Joe asked, then frowned. "God I feel like I've asked that question so many times."

Theo laughed. "You probably have."

"Well it's a good question," Joe said. Theo gulped down the rest of his soda.

"College is gonna be fun. Plus, we'll be roommates. So it's not too daunting," Theo said. Joe nodded.

"It's gonna be crazy," Joe said.

"Yes indeed," Theo agreed.


Ronan watched Theo talk with Joe, his lips always smiling, his eyes getting excited when he spoke, the muscles in his neck moving as he laughed.

If it's meant to be, it will happen, right?

That thought, that hope, was the only thing that got Ronan through the rest of high school.

Will saw him staring.

"It's not good to hold onto the past, man," Will said with a gentle hand to Ronan's shoulder.

Ronan kept looking, unable to tear his eyes away.

"I know, it's just...," Ronan said. Swallowed painfully.

"Hard. It's hard," Will said.

Ronan nodded, hung his head, looked back up with a deep breath.

"I can't believe we're graduating. It's over," Ronan said, too somber for the celebrating atmosphere.

Will grinned.

"It's not over. This is just the beginning."

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