The beach house part 4: I-I.....I thought I could love you...

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-Age:  10-

Chre's POV

Teahcer- Alright class we are sorry to hear that oneof our classmates has moved to L.A. we will miss her so please we each much sign a card for her because she is leaving today. When she told us Dani was moving my heart brokeinto a million pieces the love of my love was gone?! I know I am only a little boy but you know we show love through pain. I wanted to give her a rose and be sweet, but for some reason I would always just hit her. I know I shouldn't, but I couldn't help it. When I heard she left I was so sad and I had to try and not cry my eyes out.

-Age 14-

chres- Dang baby  your good as always why do we only do this on Saturdays I forget.. Beauty- Oh yea cause atschool we are th students that don't know each other and we gotta keep it that way.  Chres- Oh yea okay baby mmmm well it's Satuday at 8pm lets go until midnight I got 4 hours. Beauty- No sweetie you know I got to get home at 10:30 I gotta go. Chres- Come on! Just until 9:30 then! Beauty- no! But baby you gotta go sell some and you can have me all night next week okay? Chres- Hmmm okay you promise? Beauty- Promise to be your mami as long as you sell for my daddy. Chres- alright baby. I kissed her and she left. Ya I sell drugs but I get 600 every week man plus a good f^cking.  No idiot would turn that sh!t down.  I don't do drugs through i ain't stupid! Beauty a sexii mofo too plus Beauty always got me out of sh!t with her father especially when i f^cked up and f^ckedu p bad she got my back. I am 14 and living to the top of the world while going to school lucky my parents I am still in school. 

-Age 15-

Just got bailed from going to Juvi man I can't believe this sh!t happened. I found my girl in bed with my bro and my boss kicked my a$4 out he shot my in the leg. I f^cked up getting beat and the drugs stolen from me. It wans'tlike I mean to get beat up man! then I went though rehab when I wasn't smoking sh!t and beauty bailed me out and got me on the ok said with her father. I owe this b!tch big even if she did f^ck me over i couldn't deny a good f6cking every once in awhile, but I gave her the cold shoulder a lot more then before.  Soon wheN I p!ssed her off she had the hands of a man and bea tthe sh!t out of me. I couldn't hit a girl and if I tried to dis obey her this girl had the nerve to say I hit her.

-Age 17-

Moving out of this h3ll hole yeS!! My father got a place in La and I get to see my lover again. Well the girl i use to bully. Hey I know it was f^cked up to do that, but I had to i didn't know how to love a girl.  When I heard I told beauty I was leaving and she saidshe was pregnant b!tch that baby was not mine! It ended up being the boy she f^cked look like she been getting f^cked saturday and sunday that f^ckin ho3! I changed everything. I don't go by Roc like I did with her and her father. I fought my way out the game and got out alive. When I went  to LA with my dad he on bussiness all the time and I got myself a schedule looks like I am going to school my lover too!!! So excited.

-First Day of School-

Go re-read thefirst chapter smart a$$'s.


Danielle's POV

I woke up and washed my face. When I did I went into my bag and found ligth a cigar. When I tookit out I lit it and held it against my thigh. Dani- I feel like a ho3 now.. I can't believe I thought he loved me. When I felt my skin burn it felt like kisses. Like if Chress kissed right there.

I wanted to feel his kisses everywhere. SoI put the cigar all over my body. My lower back, lower stomach, arms, my chest. I wanted Chres's kisses everywhere and when I finally ran out of the cigar I put it in the water and looked at the countless black spots on my skin and laid there feeling lifeless. When I got up I put on make up to hide the spots. Dani- He made me feel so loved..

When I finished I put on jeans, a long sleeve top, and jeans. When I got out of my room nike told me Chres left and it was no surprise probably to go find another good f^ck. When I nodded I went down to the beach I saw at the very edge of the water and sat in the sand. the soft sand on my hands and watching the ocean. It was so peaceful and my time with a boy I thought I loved. Changed, everything changed. He didn't love me like I thought he did. he loved her.... The one called Beauty...

Chres's POV

I told the other they were leaving tomorrow andI had to meet with my father, but I actually had to meet up with Beauty. That b!tch. I hated her with apassion but I had to make sure shedidn't mess with Dani I couldn't let her mess with my love. No the love of my life. 

When I arrived at the beach house I went to the door and she opened it in a bikini. This girl had the most amount of cleage. Dani wouldn't even show that much like dA*n. When she saw me she kissed me and I pushed her off. Chres- Stay off me and stay away from my friends. Beauty- What you mean baby come in it's saturday you know. Chres- H3ll no! i ain't f^ckin a ho3. Beauty- Oh b!tch watch you rtone. I wante dto cuss her out but she punched me which knocked me down and i looked up at her. Beauty- Now yourmy B!tch you know that baby. Remember my friend? She took out a whi oh sh!t wha tthe h3ll?! She never had a whip! When I tried to run she hit me and I fell Beauty- Get your a44 ove rhere. When I got up she took my hand and pulled me inside. I saw her father talking and he nodded at me. I went with Beauty into the room and she pushed me down. Beauty- Mmm it's saturday I can't wait we haven't done it in awhile ya know... Chre-s I ain't doing sh!t with you! AFter I felt a strike again my cheek while she climbed on me. beauty- Don't f^ck with menow lay down and understand that we are going to have a good time. I watched her get off me. Beauty- Want some water? Let me get you some. WheN I watchedher go into her mini fridge she opened a bottle an d poured it a cup when I looked away she came up to me andI drank it. She kissed me and I tried to push her ., soon my arms turned on me what the actual f^ck. I pushed her on the bed. I sudden felt lust come over me. What did she put i therE?! I climbed on her. Beauty- Mmm I htinK i put alittle to much or my special surprise in there. chres- what did you put in there? Beasuty- Don't worry just a little pill to get your friend ready for the pleasure coming ahead. I wanted to f6ck up this b!tch. when I felt myself get hornier and hornier. She undid my pants. I didn't even try my body wouldn't listen to me.

-3 Hours Later-


What the h3ll?! How did she?! When did she?! Oh I am so f^cked up!

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