Chapter 1: Curiosity Begins!

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Author's Note: 

Date published: November 10, 2014

I couldn't wait any longer to publish this! I'm not patient. I have another fanfiction that I'm writing but I couldn't wait until it finish for me to publish this. I'll just write two books at a time so it will be a slow update. Enjoy~


“Why do we fall when we know we’ll break? Why do we do this?” This thought has been lingering in my head for a week now. As I walk to my bus stop in the early cold morning, I kept thinking and wondering why this and this happens in this world. “This world is so cruel. Why do people act like how they are? Why is everything so weird?” Thinking too much gave me a headache. This is how I always start my day, with a headache.

The bus came and everyone crowded into the bus instead of going one by one. “Seriously, how hard is it to just make a single file line? Fighting to survive. Heh, this world is crazy.” I thought as I was the last one to enter the bus. Of course all the seats were taken, like always, so I went to sit next to this random guy.

“Hello.” He said, smiling. I ignored him. The bus was beginning to leave. “Once you talk to someone, they’ll be stuck in your life. That’s hell.” I thought.

“Hello. My name is Kim Nam Joon but my friends call me Rap Monster. What’s your name?”  He said again but I ignore him. “What does he think he is doing? Trying to friend me? Hell to the no!” I thought, expressing it too. It’s weird how I always express my face when I’m thinking/talking to myself.

“Is there anything wrong?” He ask but I ignored him. On the way to school, it was like hell. That guy kept talking to me but I ignored him. If I knew this was going to happen I would have brought my MP3.

“Are you a senior?” He ask. I stood up and got out of the bus. Everyone crowded to get out and I was stuck in the crowd.

“Have a great day, Mr. Boo.” I said to the bus driver and walked out of the bus to enter the school gates.

 “You too, miss.” he said before I left entirely.

“Good morning, Mr. Sung.” I said to the security at the gates. He smiled and waved.  

I went to the cafeteria to get my breakfast and I sat alone at the table I usually sit at.

“Oh my god. These food suck.” girl #1 complained.

“I know right!” girl #2 agreed.

“Are you serious? I would like to see you cook these food. I bet yours would be worser! Although worser is not a word but damn these sassy girls!” I thought while eating my eggs. “They’ve been eating breakfast everyday and all they do is complain. Stupid idiots. Don’t eat the food then!” I thought to myself again. Not to say it but I expressed it on my face too. While eating while talking to myself too much, these guys came and join me.

“Can we sit here? All the seats are taken.” one of the guy said.

“Yeah, all taken my butt. I mean look at all the seats! They’re all empty!” I thought and got up to leave. I was finish anyways so there was no point of sitting with them.

I got out of the cafeteria and walked around the quad of the school, thinking to myself. “When it comes to thinking to myself, it is similar to talking to myself. I don’t know but I always talk to myself in my head. I have no friends and is not trying to get any. They’re all fake. In this crazy world, you’re all by yourself trying to survive.” I thought too much that I bumped into someone. “Holy cow! Hopefully this doesn’t happen like in drama.” I thought. I looked up to see a guy.

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