Chapter 5

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"Please be careful" Fiona spoke softly as Charming got upon his white horse. "Your father is entrusting me to protect the royal family from Fairy Godmother. I must do as they say"

Fiona felt her heart twist in pain. "Ok, I love you!" Charming's eyes lit up. "I love you too." With that he pulled on his reigns and went out of the castle with a stream of knights following.

Lillian walk up behind Fiona and put a hand on her shoulder. "I'm so scared he won't come back mum.." Lillian watched as the last knight went into the forest. "Sometimes with love, comes great sacrifices."

Fiona hugged her mother "I hope things go well.." Lillian lifted Fiona chin up to her eye level. "Let is go inside dear, it looks like it's about to rain" Fiona nodded and followed her mother into the castle.

Heavy hooves covered the wet muddy forest floor. "Any sigh of her your highness!" A knight called from behind the pack. Prince Charming slid off his horse and looked at the mud in front of them. "I'm not too sure, this rain doesn't really help with our search."

"Should we give up and head back home?" Another knight called. Prince Charming took a breath in and got back on his horse. "No. The king and queen still need someone out here to protect the kingdom and find this woman."

Turning around to face his knight he rose his voice. "We must do what we can and find her!" Pulling the reigns his horse continued to follow the track, his knights following.

Fiona sat on her window still watching the rain hit the forest trees. "How long will this take.." Harold walked into her room and smiled. "Ah, there you are poppet. I was looking for you."

Fiona looked wearily at her father. "Have you heard anything from him?" Her father shook his head. "No. But try not to worry."

Fiona groaned and shoved her face in her hands. "It's so hard not to! Not knowing if he'll ever come back!" Harold sat beside her. "Only time will tell my dear, I'm as worried as you are."

Fiona looked out to the forest again. "I hope everything goes well.."

Prince Charming pulled on his reigns and came to a halt. "We're on the right track! Look over there!" The knights looked to where he pointed. More or less the track did lead into the cottage. A dingy wooden cottage with little light pouring out of the windows.

"Wait for my signal" Prince Charming spoke lowly. Sliding off his horse he slowly crept up towards the cottage, the knight drew back their cross bows and aimed for the door waiting for the signal.

Prince Charming pounded the door open and looked around. "Empty?" He scratched his head and walked out to the knights who were staring at him. "Well?" Asked a knight.

"It's empty?" Prince Charming announced still confused. "How can it be empty!" Another knight gasped. "We do have the right track don't we?" Asked another.

Prince Charming nodded with determination. "We mustn't give up! We've found her cottage and we now know that she will return! And when she does, we'll be ready!"

"Fiona! Fiona come quickly!" Lillian called from downstairs. Fiona held up her dress and hurried down the stairs. "What is it? Is he back?" Harold shook his head. "No but look what Cedric has!"

Fiona looked at Cedric as he held a scroll firm in his hands. Harold nodded the Cedric as he cleared his throat and unraveled the scroll.

"To the king, queen and my love. The knights and I have found the cottage where the Fairy Godmother lives, she is not in the cottage but we are most certain we have the right place"

"We are going to stand our ground here until she comes back, we hope to have caught her before the third day. Charming."

Fiona gasped and looked at her parents "he's found her!" She whispered. Her parents nodded. "I just hope it doesn't take too long" Lillian said.

Fiona smiled as she looked out the open door. A snort came from the caged behind them. "He can wait there all he likes but she's no longer there!" Donkey mused.

The four turned around and faced him. "What do you mean? Where is she!" Harold demanded. Donkey only laughed. "Like I'm going to disobey my master! I just hope they like the trap that set there waiting for them!"

Fiona gasped and faced Cedric "send a scroll to Prince Charming immediately!" Cedric was already writing to note and sent it off. "Oh I do hope he gets it in time.." Lillian whispered.

Fiona put a hand on her lips and chest. Please get there, please make sure he stays safe!

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