Happily. Ever. After?

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"Here stands the old king of Far Far Away with the old Queen!" A spokes person announced to a large amount of people huddling close by. "A few years ago our magnificent king and queen passed away after many decades of ruling and keeping us safe."

The on goers looked at the statue in awe, "how did they die?" A young child asked. "They died of old age, not even the king and queen can live forever."

A young girl and boy looked at each other, "what would that mean for mother and farther!?" She whispered quickly. Her bother rolled his eyes and elbowed her.

"They still have a long few years left, after all they've only been ruling since we were born. Don't worry so much sis!" His sister frowned and ran away from the crowd. All eyes turned on him as she ran away, he cringed and cleared his throat.

"Don't mind her she's fine!" He started. "Um, I'll just go after her." Her jogged after to where she disappeared to. He stopped at the palace doors and pulled his crown out of his bag before putting it back on top of his lush blonde hair.

He opened the doors and heard his sister sobbing. "What if something does happen to you and farther!" She wailed. He watched his mother brush his sisters light red hair lovingly, soothingly hushing her.

"You won't need to worry about that dear, myself and your farther still have many years before it's time for us to retire." He looked away and slowly walked towards his mother and sister.

"Mother?" His mother looked up and he flinched at her burning blue gaze. "Did you take your sister to the villager tour again?" He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Well, no, I mean yes, I mean..rats..."

His mother sighed angrily, "James, how many times do we have to tell you not to take your little sister near the tours! You know Alice has nightmares!" James lowered his gaze. "I'm sorry mother.."

"Now now Fiona," a calm warm voice came from behind James. His gaze lit up with glee as he saw his farther walk in. "I'm sure James didn't mean it, he's just like his uncle Arthur!"

Fiona shook her head. "Charming, Arthur was a bad influence on James! I don't want him picking up any bad habits from him." Charming ruffled James's blonde hair and walked over to his wife.

"He's still a kid my love, let him act like a child." Fiona sighed and looked down at Alice who was fast asleep on her lap. Fiona's gaze soften and picked Alice up before looking back at James and Charming.

"You're right Charming, I'm sorry James, why don't you spend sometime with your farther while I put Alice down?" She smiled softly and walked out of the room.

Charming turned his gaze on his son, James looked down sadly and shook his head. "Sometimes I think mother hates me and she loves Alice more."

Charming placed a hand on James's shoulder, "James Harold Pendeagon, your mother loves you very much, she's giving Alice more attention because she's still young."

James didn't answer, Charming gave his son a sympathy look and rubbed his back. "Things will get easier as you get older. You're almost sixteen, if anything does happen to your mother and I, we'll be counting on you to protect your sister."

James sighed. "I do love Alice dad, I just wish mother gave me the same amount of love." Charming wrapped an arm around James's shoulder and led him into the throne room.

"Look around you son, what can you see." James was confused as he looked around the room at family photos, then looked back to his dad.

"I don't get it dad?" Charming chuckled. "Notice how every royal person rules with someone by their side." James looked back at the photos. "Yes? Does that mean I have to marry Alice!? Yuck!"

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