Where Am I?

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Cleo's POV

I woke up and slowly started to recollect what had happened. Some thug bitch with blue hair wearing all black came my window and gave me a shot of God knows what - into my neck. Yes that really happened. What the fuck. They probably wanted ransom money. Or they were trying to rob the house. Why do they have me tied up now though? And where did they take me? If I called my dad they would give them money. I'll get this straightened out. It's just money. Slow. Deep. Breathing. Cleo.

I looked at my surroundings. I was actually in a really nice house. The floors looked like they were real marble. The ceilings were vaulted and there was a pretty view outside the window. The window showed that I was way too high up to jump out safely, but I was tied to the bed I was on anyway, so that wasn't an option. They had both of my hands and feet tied, I still had my uniform on my from school and wondered if anyone had seen my underwear when they did this. I already felt exposed.

I heard footsteps outside of the room. Oh no. Should I pretend to be asleep?

"What the fuck are we going to do with her now? Damn you fucked up. Damn."

"Just let me handle this shit. Shut up."

I heard the doorknob twist open and looked that way. It was the blue haired girl. Instead of all black now she was wearing loose fitting Gucci. It actually looked like it was custom. Who the fuck were these people? She had on retro Jordans. I instantly tensed up and she noticed.

"Calm down sweetheart I just want to talk," she sat on the end of the bed and glanced in between my legs. I tried to shut them the best I could, considering I was tied down.

She laughed, "You're cute. You seem really innocent. Are you?"

Is she really asking me that right now?

"Let me go home please. I won't tell anyone anything happened. I will get you money from my dad. Whatever you want."

"But I have what I want," she said and looked at me up and down.

I gulped. Jesus. She was a girl! I was a girl! What the fuck. I had barely done anything with a boy let alone a girl. What was she in anyway? A gang? Oh my God she didn't even need money.

"I don't like girls. I really am inexperienced you don't want to do stuff with someone like me. Honestly. Let me go home and I won't tell a soul. Please?" I begged.

"You don't know what you like yet. I tell you what you like," she said with her eyebrows raised up, "you a virgin?"

I am getting nowhere here.

"Yes and I am going to bleed all over your sheets if any of you touch me down there. I really will. Are you just going to gang bang me? What is this? Is that what you want?"

"Oh no, no one is touching you except for me Princess," she said with a smile and pushed my hair behind my ear.

I winced at her touch and that pissed her off. She grabbed my cheeks, "You let me touch you when I want to and do what I want to or else....you don't have to stay alive and well. That's up to me. To the rest of the world you've just fallen off the face of the earth, remember that when you think about disrespecting me," she spit into my forced open mouth and then half threw my face back onto the pillow I had been resting on.

She stood to get up and leave, walking towards the door.

"You're just going to leave me here tied up like this? Don't leave me," I was scared of her, but I was more scared of who else could be in the house. At least I kind of knew her.

She turned back towards me and scoffed, "Oh now Princess wants to be friends? I'll come back when I'm ready. Remember this, your clothes are a fucking privilege. I can tie you up just like that completely naked and leave this door open for everyone that comes in this house to see. Don't try me again," I gulped. I believed her.

A Billie Eilish Fanfic - KidnappedWhere stories live. Discover now