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Cleo's POV

"Can I talk now?" I whispered.

Billie nodded.
We were on a plane. Or a jet? A private jet? There were only two seats on this plane that I could see. There was a big movie theater screen in front of me and I didn't see a flight attendant but there was an open bar and kitchen area beside us. The aircraft was already taking off.

"Where are we going Billie?"

"Why?" She asked casually and bit her bottom lip. She looked anxious and annoyed? Was I bothering her?

"Do you not want me to know where we go?" I turned my body towards hers and put my nose against hers. She leaned her head towards me in response. I could sense her relaxing some.

"I don't want you to be able to leave me. I fucked up. But I'm fixing things. And I'm going to start a life for us. Because I love you," she sighed.

I knew soft stuff like that was hard for her to say. It was also hard for her to say she made a mistake. She was a perfectionist. She's the closest thing to perfect I ever experienced.
I reached up to her beanie and pulled it off to see all midnight black hair fall down and frame her porcelain face. I stroked her cheek and kissed her softly. She leaned in more, kissing back.
I pulled away. "Tell me what happened. I'll always be on your side," I said to her.

She had killed Que. I knew that. When I heard the gunshot at the house after he raped me I was afraid he had killed her but Billie won. And she made sure he would never touch me again. What I didn't know is Que was a head person in their gang. A lot of people turned against Billie and wanted to hurt her and me. She gave me more of the sedative so I would sleep through a lot of the stuff she had to handle. I couldn't remember anything.

Billie had spent awhile planning a life for us. She had been doing this longer than I had ever thought. She had pulled off a big heist alone with it her gang and kept all the money for us to start our new lives.

"Ever since we first connected that night that I saw you shirtless and you told me some of your secrets I fantasized about starting a real life with you. I started planning then," she looked at me with her deep blue eyes and paused, "I'm sorry I had to cut your hair. We needed disguises. You're still so beautiful."

I didn't give a fuck about my hair. If she preferred me bald then I would be okay with it. I wanted to be what she wanted me to be. I loved her.

She was waiting on my response. I smiled at her and she seemed relieved, "Thank you for protecting me. I'll go anywhere you take me, you know that." I laid my head on her shoulder and she rubbed my hair.

A Billie Eilish Fanfic - KidnappedWhere stories live. Discover now