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Cleo's POV:

"PUSH! PUSH!" I had never felt pain greater and more rewarding than this as I was handed my baby boy. Billie squeezed my hand and kissed my forehead, realizing I was covered in sweat she wiped my head with a towel and rubbed my scalp.

"You did great baby girl, you're so strong," she whispered into my ear.

She looked into our baby boy's eyes as she held and rocked him and started to cry genuine tears of joy. We had decided only we should be in the delivery room so it was more personal. And it was. It was perfect.

The next few nights in the hospital were way better than I thought they'd be. Billie never came across as a mother figure prior to this...but she stepped up quickly. I was really sore and obviously exhausted from labor. She woke up when the baby cried, helped me breastfeed, got me food, etc. she was the perfect spouse. I don't think I realized before this that I definitely 100% married the right person for me.

She packed our things up to go home, Maggie and Finneas had just stopped by to visit. Finneas was handling the business fine and told Billie she could take a few more weeks off to be with me at home. They had started a music production company about a year ago that was so successful they could finally stop participating in crime. Maggie and Patrick moved nearby as soon as I got pregnant. She was going to be such a great help. After all...I had a dance studio to run. A dance studio that Billie had built for me. I was teaching many classes and even had a few other dance instructors working under me. It was a dream.

The nurse wheeled me out to our Range Rover That Billie had already packed the baby into, the car seat was set perfectly, Billie had googled how to do it and spent over an hour making sure it was safe. She helped me into the SUV and held my hand as we drove home. The nursery was already set up and Maria was waiting there to meet the baby, she had texted me a few times.

We pulled into our house and heard some shuffling in the kitchen, I figured Maria was up to some kind of a surprise as I smiled over at Billie. She wasn't smiling.

"Take the baby and go to America. Use my card. I'll find you."

"Bil-What? Where are you-?" She slammed the car door shut and walked to the entrance of the house. After she went inside I heard several gun shots and quickly got into the drivers seat and drove to the nearest airport. Our baby might be all I had left of her but I had to remain hopeful. She would find us right? She was alive right?

A Billie Eilish Fanfic - KidnappedWhere stories live. Discover now