The first girl

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Cleo's POV

I woke up and rolled over in bed to snuggle into Billie's chest. Last night I had finally made her cum, it was fucking electric. She had slept without a shirt or bra on and I loved when she did that. Her boobs were so nice and soft.....she left me lay really close to her and made me fall for her even more. Like that was even possible.

Eating pussy was definitely not bad at all. I actually liked it. A lot. But probably just because it was Billie's pussy and....she's so attractive. I was pleasantly surprised I enjoyed it the way I did.

I stopped my thoughts when I finally rolled over in the bed and Billie wasn't there. She never gets up without me.

I got up and started to get dressed. She had my clothes picked out. At least she didn't completely forget about me.

I put on my jeans and all black crew neck t shirt she had picked out with some converse. These were some of her favorite jeans on me, she always said my butt looked great in them. I made sure to tuck my shirt in so my butt was showing. I walked out of the room and heard screaming, a girl screaming.

What the fuck? I rushed into the kitchen area to see a girl, probably about 18 or 19 with shoulder length wine colored hair. She was tan and had some nice ass teeth, I couldn't help but admire them as I watched her scream. Her clothes were ripped up like someone was trying to get them off of her but lost the fight. She was really fit, she looked like a runner. She was blindfolded and running towards the door with handcuffs on, I stared in awe as one of the guards picked her up, threw her over his shoulder and shut her into the BDSM room.

Billie was sitting at the kitchen table eating toast with Finneas. Both were completely unphased. Billie looked up at me and smiled,

"Good morning princess! Nice jeans," she winked and patted my ass as I walked by her, reaching for a cup to get some orange juice. The cook pulled the cup down for me and asked me to sit, choosing to serve me orange juice instead.

I sat beside Billie and she put her hand on mine, rubbing her thumb across my knuckles.

"You wanna help me tame Alicia?"

My face appeared confused. Billie sighed and rolled her eyes,

"The girl, the blindfolded and handcuffed girl.....her name is Alicia, she has been breaking literally ever rule I've given her ass, reminds me of you when I first met you!" She laughed.

I nodded slowly. I had to see what was actually happening before I decided one way or another.

Billie finished eating and grabbed my hand. She also grabbed a taser and put it in her waistband of her basketball shorts. She pulled me into the dark room. The girl...Alicia was in the section that had the bed, chained to the wall, several shackles in place.

Billie removed her blindfold and crouched down to eye level, "Hey Alicia baby girl, how ya doing? This is my girl Cleo. Just wanted to meet you,"

I waved awkwardly, she barely glanced my way, gaze focused on Billie.

"When I get out of here I'll fucking kill you bitch," she spat in Billie's face and Billie laughed loudly. Way too loudly to be sane.

A Billie Eilish Fanfic - KidnappedWhere stories live. Discover now