First Night Together Part 2

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Cleo's POV

Take off my shirt? I had never done that in front of anyone before. And I didn't know if my boobs were nice. I know I didn't have very big ones...I had on a lacy bra underneath. It showed a lot. I was so fucking nervous. But it was her first command. I couldn't say no if I ever wanted to get out of here. I took a deep breath and looked down at my top button, fumbling to undo it.

Billie looked at me curiously. She was beautiful. She licked her lips and I liked watching her do it. But I like boys.

"Do you need help baby? Are you that nervous?" I looked down and realized my hands were shaking.

I nodded, "I haven't been shirtless in front of anyone before..." She smiled and reached over to help me. She undid all my buttons like she had stripped a million catholic school girls of their pride and I pulled the shirt off of my shoulders. I sat there in my knee high socks, sneakers, plaid skirt and light pink lacy bra. I crossed my arms over my chest instinctively.

"Arms down," Billie commanded. I put them down. Then I put my head down. She used her finger to lift my chin up.

"What's wrong Princess? Don't be ashamed. You're beautiful, tell me what you're thinking," she kissed my forehead. I liked when she was nice to me. I wanted to please her.

"I think my boobs are small. And I'm nervous. I know you've been with a lot of other people before me..." I said lowly.

She moved closer to me on the bed, "Your boobs are cute as hell. I don't care if they're small. And one of us has to be experienced, I know how to please you, think of it that way, I practiced a lot before you," she played with my hair.

"We don't have to do anything else tonight if you don't want to, are you like overwhelmed right now?" she asked with a concerned voice. I nodded, but paused and bit my bottom lip looking up at her.

"But I just want to make you happy, what else do you want me to do?"

She smiled, "Let me see under the bra."

My hands were shaky again, but I did manage to take it off myself this time. I tried not to cover myself up too much. She made me stand up and raise my arms up, turn in circles, do jumping jacks, all shirtless. She took a video of me doing that. I don't know why.

Then she told me to lay down on my back. I laid down. She started to tie my limbs to the bed again and I got nervous.

"Billie what did I do wrong? Why are you tying me up again?"

"You didn't do anything wrong baby girl," she cooed in my ear and kissed me above my left eyebrow, "You did exactly what I asked, you've been so good, I just want to touch you."

I gulped, "Okay."

I was restrained. She got on top of me, straddling me and looked down.

"What do you think about me?" she asked, "Truthfully, what do you think?"

"I think you've been through some stuff. And I think you're a lesbian. And I think you have pretty eyes and nice lips," I blurted.

She grinned at that response, "I think you have nice lips too Princess," she whispered in my ear and then kissed me on my lips long and slow. Then she put her nose against mine, "but I can't wait to see what your other lips are like."

I didn't know what the fuck she was talking about for a minute, then I realized it. My eyes got wide. She laughed at my response. I felt her hands rest on my hips. They were warm and I liked them there. Then they traveled up to my chest. I looked into her eyes as she placed them on my boobs. Then her head went lower and she started to suck on my nipples and bite them lightly. Surprisingly, I let out a light moan. She smiled and looked up at me. She gave me hickeys on my chest, around my nipples and navel and up my neck. I loved when she did it on my neck.

"I like when you do that," I told her as she sucked near my ear.

"I knew you'd come around to liking my touch baby girl," she whispered.

She sat up on the bed, "I'm not going to do anything extreme but I'm going to touch you down here. I bet you're wet and I'm dying to know."

She didn't really ask me. I looked at her with big eyes.

"Pl-please be gentle."

"Of course baby."

She went down to the end of the bed where I was tied on either side and exposed already. I blushed. She was already having fun with this. She lifted my school girl skirt up to see my black panties and she rubbed through my panties for about 10 seconds. I had never been touched down there by someone besides myself before, it felt like I could get off in a second. I curled my toes and moaned, "Billie".

She came back up to the head of the bed and kissed my cheek, "Baby girl, I hate to break it to you but you're soaked. You must like when I touch you, huh baby?" I nodded, reluctantly.

"Can you untie me now?"

She untied me.

A Billie Eilish Fanfic - KidnappedWhere stories live. Discover now