Please don't hurt Noah

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Billie's POV

We pulled into our driveway and I blindfolded Noah and Xan. Raj and Theo dragged them into the BDSM room and locked Noah in the bedroom portion and Xan outside of it, both restrained. Cleo begged me not to lock Noah up...that shit pissed me off.

"Why you care so much about Xan's whore suddenly C?" I asked, gripping her neck. We had just gotten into our bedroom and I had plenty of questions to ask regarding her behavior tonight, she couldn't speak because I was choking her so much,

"Is it because both of your dressed like whores tonight? No pants on? Seriously Cleo? Have you lost your fucking mind...since when would I ever be okay with someone seeing your nice little ass in panties?"

I released her neck and she coughed, recovering from me. I almost felt bad for choking her so long, but I didn't.

She looked up at me, "I had sex with Noah and Xan. You told me to do what I had to do...I fucking did," she spat out at me.

My little angel? Had sex?? Without me? That was so not like Cleo...especially with a guy? What the fuck? My baby was gay. She had to be. She had only ever been with me...well and Alicia. But neither of us had dicks. That's why she was getting so close with Noah in the car....Cleo had fucking feelings for that hoe, I half realized that during the car ride. But dick? Xan's dick? I was high key disappointed.

"You had sex sex? Like Xan's dick in your pussy sex?"

"Diego. Yes," she corrected me, "And turns out, I like dick."

Well that stung some, and I don't like when things sting. I slapped Cleo in the face hard and grabbed her cheeks squeezing, her eyes began to water. I pushed her back onto the bed in our bedroom and swiftly pulled out our restraints. I put on four way restraints, she could barely move at all.

"You can stay here, away from your little lovers and think about what you've done. You used to be innocent C, I loved that about you. You were only for me. Now you're being a dirty slut. Cheating on me? What the fuck were you thinking? You're lucky I didn't kill you on spot. But I'm going to kill Xan and Noah first, then I'll decide what to do to you,"

I walked towards the door.

"BILLIE! Please...I don't give a fuck about Diego but please do not hurt Noah. Seriously'd like her. She's so sweet, please don't hurt her. Don't do that to me," Cleo begged.

Didn't want me to hurt her little girlfriend now did she? Ha. I left the room without saying another word.

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