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Cleo's POV

I woke up to the warm Hawaii sun on my skin, Billie's arms still wrapped around me. I smiled into her hair, kissing her head. She woke up slowly,

"Today is the day Mrs. Eilish," She said as she kissed my nose and ran her fingers through my hair.

"Okay, no seeing me until I'm in my wedding dress and all done up for you!" I yelled as I walked out the door. I already had plans to go to the spa and be done up, then pick my dress up and meet Bil at the beach for our cute little ceremony. I'm so thankful gay marriage is legal now.

I grabbed Starbucks on the way to the spa and then searched through the pages of options for my hair, settling on a long wavy-beach-esque version of a half up-doe. I figured Billie would think it was hot. The hair dresser went right to work and another woman started on my makeup, also beachy. When they were finished I was really pleased with my look, but I was more excited to pick my dress up. I had picked it out online and they would be finishing the final touches today once I tried it on.

I walked into the dress store and introduced myself to the front desk clerk, "Ah, yes Mrs. Eilish! Your dress is right his way," I had spent a fortune on this dress. Instead of giving me maximum amount of money to spent on a dress, Billie told me minimum 5k, and checked the credit card transaction after to verify I wasn't trying to go cheap. She didn't want me to settle on anything for today.

I went into the dressing room, I had chosen a big princess only get married once and I had always imagined myself getting married in something like this, where I really felt beautiful. I had thought about it since I was a little girl...of course back then I thought I was going to marry a guy, but Billie was my prince.

The dress actually fit perfectly, they made some very minor adjustments and sent me on my way. I was going to meet Billie at the beach really soon, and Finn and her parents would be there...I had never met them and Billie didn't talk about them much. I know they were generally estranged because of Billie and Finn's decisions to be involved in crime at such a young age, from what Billie had told me, they were good parents to them. They tried to home school them when they were both expelled. They were both artistic, and so were Billie and Finn. Billie was really surprised when her mom called her about the wedding, asking if she could come. I could tell she was happy...even though she didn't act like it. Billie said her parents were always okay with her being gay and they had known since she was really young. Billie told me once she first had sex with a girl when she was 13 years old...I can't imagine knowing myself that well at such a young age, but I guess that's how Billie got so good in bed.

I pulled into a parking spot and stepped on the concrete leading to our private beach barefooted, the concrete was hot. I fluffed my dress out and shook my hair. I walked towards the little area that was set up for us, it had a few chairs and a place for the preacher to stand. Billie was not particularly religious, and neither was I...but she felt like it was the right thing to do.

Someone grabbed me from behind hugging me and swinging me in a circle,

"CLEOOOO! Holy shit! You look beautiful!!!!" It was Finn, in a full on powder blue tuxedo, Raj and Theo were behind him, also in tuxedos.

"How the fuck did my sister score a dime piece like you?" Finn asked, smiling brightly.

"Well you see, I didn't have much of a choice...but I grew to like her,"I said with a chuckle.

We were interrupted by a little squeal a my cheek being pinched by a woman with dark red/brown hair, she looked like Billie....oh my God, Billie's Mom?

"You must be Cleo! Oh my goodness! So nice to meet you! You're gorgeous...." she pulled away from hugging me, holding both my hands looking me up and down, "I can't believe you're my daughter now! I'm so happy Billie found someone to settle down with...she has always been so hesitant about relationships and commitment. You seem perfect for her. Have you talked about kids yet? I'm DYING for a grandkid!" Billie's mom rambled on and on.....

I blushed at the mention of kids, Finneas stepped in between us, "Okay Mom I think you've scared her enough for one day thanks," he glanced back at me with an apologetic look, "Cleo, this is my Mom--"

"Call me Maggie!" She exclaimed.

I giggled, she seemed like such a perfect mother. I couldn't understand why Billie hadn't brought her around me sooner.

I met Patrick briefly, he reminded me so much of Finn. I also saw a lot of Billie's personality traits in Patrick. He was quiet but you could tell he had an orchestra playing in his mind at all times.

I pulled Maggie away, "Maggie... my parents don't talk to me anymore," her face dropped, very surprised and empathetic, "Would you be willing to walk me down the aisle? I know we just met but-"

"OF COURSE!" she cracked a huge smile and began to tell everyone about her newest honor. She was fucking adorable.

Maggie and I sat together talking, she felt like a mother to me already. She asked me all kinds of things, I talked about dance with her mostly, she also loved dance and music and theater. We had a lot in common.

"So...will you be having babies soon?" she couldn't help but ask.

"We have talked about it and yes...I think we are both ready, but don't tell Billie I told you!" I whispered to her, her eyes lit up and she pretended to lock her mouth with a key and throw the key away.

Maggie gripped my thigh, "You know...I know how Billie met you...and I would understand if you ran away and never came back. She has problems Cleo. She always has, there's so many things that go on that I just can't help her with and as a mother that was a really hard thing to learn to accept..." she sighed, "but she got you out of it, and she loves you. She told me she loves you. And she never talks about feelings about anyone to anyone...ever. So I'm thankful and I hope this is a new page in her book."

"I started to tear up, "I know she has done some stuff to me but I have made mistakes too. I think we are somehow perfect for each other. I think she really wants kids now and that will motivate her to stay out of crime...I hope." Maggie nodded and kissed my forehead.

Finn checked his phone, "Billie is almost here, Cleo go to the end of the aisle! Billie has a surprise for don't start walking right away okay?'

I nodded, what could the surprise be? She had done so much for me already.

I walked to the end of the aisle and stood, waiting. Someone tapped my shoulder and giggled, I turned around and there was Noah. I hugged her tightly immediately.

"What are you doing here No?" I asked her.

"I came to be your bridesmaid, duh!" she responded, "Billie knew you didn't' have anyone left...besides me and she wanted you to have the perfect day. So Raj let me come. By the way....he's fucking amazing in bed, I'll tell you about it later," she said with a wink.

I began to tear up yet again, but stopped myself so I wouldn't fuck my makeup up. I hugged her and thanked her for coming. I felt like this was a real wedding now.

The music started and Noah started walking down the aisle to the music with Raj's arm wrapped around hers. I was around the corner so I couldn't see the end of the aisle, where Billie would be waiting for me. Finn motioned for me to come when Noah and Raj made it. I started to walk slowly, nervously.

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