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Cleo's POV

Billie didn't let me put clothes on before walking through the house and straight to our bedroom. I was completely naked. The guards tried not to stare.

"Don't make eye contact, head down," Billie directed. She knew I looked good naked, even if I had just been drugged and left chained in a dungeon.

We got into my room and I sat on the bed. Billie stood in front of me, waiting for me to say something. I think she wanted me to yell but I've always been a smart girl.

"Why did you do that to me billie?" I questioned.

She sat beside me on the bed, "I knew you wanted to leave me and I'm not going to let that happen. So you can follow the rules and keep getting everything I give you, or you with Alicia and maybe go with her when she leaves," Billie shrugged, like she didn't care what the fuck happened to me.

"You'd sell me to someone? I'm your fucking wife Billie. I gave up everything for you. I gave you my virginity and my body... what is actually happening?" I asked.

She looked at me with her icy eyes and replied, "I know you can't handle seeing me with these girls and it's what has to happen right now Cleo."

I leaned in to kiss her but she pulled away.

"Put your pajamas on Cleo. You need to get some sleep. I'll see you tomorrow," she started to exit the room.

"You're not going to sleep in bed with me anymore?" She turned towards me, my face had dropped.

"I need to spend some time alone with Alicia," Billie responded, and exited the room. I heard a click and instinctively went towards the door to follow her. She had locked it. I had bars on my windows and was locked in this room. I was a prisoner for life.

A Billie Eilish Fanfic - KidnappedWhere stories live. Discover now