"Boyfriends" - Chapter 16 - Prinxiety

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So yes this is similar to the Klance fic 'Dirty laundry' but it is different characters and it has my spin on it

So Logan and Virgil grew up together as best friends (they started dating in high school then broke up, but still were besties) and Patton and Roman grew up together as best friends. Then Patton and Logan started dating in their first year of college (they are now in their third) and they all became best friends.

I ran into the cafe and took my place by my friends. I called the three of them to come and help me get myself out of the ... uh pickle I was in. They had all ordered a drink already and were engaged in small talk when I sat next to Virgil.

"So why'd you call us here princey?" Virgil snickered scrolling through tumblr as he waited for a response.

"Are any of you free this winter break?" I asked nervously rubbing my cold hands together.

"That depends on what you're asking for." Logan responded his eyes narrowed.

"AhhwellIsortamaybecameouttomyparentsand-" I blurted without taking any pauses between words.

"Slow down kiddo," Patton smiled at me "no one can understand you. I
Just take a deep breath."

I did as I was told and started over.

"I sorta told my parents that I was gay and I came out in a sort of a bad way."

"It couldn't be worse than what Logan did." Virgil laughed "I was there when I happened and it was hilar-"

"We aren't talking about that right now!" Logan spluttered his cheeks red.

"Wait what happened with Logan?" I asked trying to get the subject off me (for once).

"We were 'studying' and his mom came in-" Virgil started but Logan covered his mouth.

"We are talking about Roman!" He yelled, getting the attention of a few waiters and other customers.

"Oh yeah, what did you do princy?" Virgil asked through Logan's hand

"I sorta of yelled at my younger brother."

"That's not that bad-"

"I yelled at him that I was bringing a boy home for Christmas." I sighed defeatedly "He was making fun of me on speaker phone, saying I could never get a girl and I just yelled at him."

"Well what did you say exactly?" Patton asked Concern written over his face.

"I said "Well, that's a good thing because I'm only looking for the men anyway!" And finished with "and I have a boyfriend for your information!" And then they asked to meet him and I said sure... like a dumbass." I ranted

"So you need one of us to pretend to be your boyfriend?"Logan asked raising and eyebrow.

I nodded a slight blush appearing on my cheeks.

"Well, I'm going to Patton's." Logan explained looking sorry "So that rules both of us out. However I think Virgil Was just going to stay at school "

We all turned to Virgil, who had gone back to tumblr and apparently hadn't heard that he was the last option.

"Virge." I bumped his shoulder and he looked up


"Did you hear anything we just said?" Logan asked exasperated.

"I stopped listening after Roman finished his story, I mean Pats known him he longest so he's going right?"

"Actually Logan and Patton are going to stay with his family, so that kinda only leaves you." I trailed off

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