"Boyfriends" pt5

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"Mama can we help cook?" Roman and Virgil stood in the kitchen watching the older woman work.

"Yes! I need my little chef to help make my tomato sauce!" Edith cooed at Roman pinching his cheek.

"Moooooommmmmmmmm" Roman complained "I'm not a little kid anymore!"

"Am I embarrassing you in front of Virgil?" She laughed

Roman blushed a bright red, pulling Virgil over to the kitchen island.

"Let's cut tomatoes mi amor (*my love)." Roman said while pulling out what they needed.

"What's mi amor mean?"

"Ahhh, let's cut the tomatoes shall we?" Roman dropped a cutting board, a knife, and a tomato down

Virgil stared at the cutting board as if it were a forgien object. Roman noticed his confusion and came behind him.

"Need help?" Vi nodded "ok, so first you grab the knife" Roman stood behind me guiding his hands.

Soon they fell into a rhythm, Virgil would cut the tomatoes and Roman would crush them into a paste.
After a little bit all of the tomatoes had been cut, Virgil not having anything to do came up to Roman.

"What now?"

"Now we add the herbs and spices!" Roman turned and walked over to the pantry on the other side of the kitchen. He opened it and pulled out three different spices.

Virgil watched as he measured the three of them and carefully poured them into the paste. Then he began to stir, moving the pan onto the stove. He turned on the burner and threw in some shredded cheese, stirring once more.

"How do you know how to make it?" Virgil questioned. Roman hadn't been looking off a book.

"Mama taught all of us from a young age." He smiled a bit "we would trade off nights to cook dinner. Mama would cook on the weekends, Papa would cook Monday and Tuesday and so on. At the time I hated it but now... it reminds me of when I was younger."

"You never talk about your dad..." Virgil had sat at the kitchen island, sitting across from Roman as he worked.

"Yeah, I don't really remember him much. He left when I was six, Remus was three, Dominic was just a baby. I just remember the yelling." Roman had set the sauce aside, being finished with it.
"What about the twins?" the boy in purple cocked his head

"My step-dad." Roman laughed bitterly, crossing his arms. He looked at the ceiling, sighing.

"Roman?" Virgil had gotten up and tapped him slightly.

"Sorry, I just was... thinking." Roman shook his head a little. The two caught each other's eye for a minute, before Virgil hugged him.

"A-are you giving me affection? Voluntarily?" Roman Joked as he hugged the boy back.

"Don't push your luck Princy." He huffed "I just understand how that feels ok."

"Ok, emo."

"Aaaand the moment's over." Virgil let go of Roman pushing him back slightly. They snickered for a moment before Edith's voice silenced them.

"You two better finish that sauce up, I need help setting the table!" She laughed a bit.

"Well since I'm the head cook, I'll finish with the sauce. You go set the table." Roman turned away from Virgil, smirking.

"All you have to do is pour it on the spaghetti!" Virgil crossed his arms

"And your history of pouring things isn't great, remember the lemonade incident?"

Virgil huffed before going into the dinning room to help Edith.

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