Ch. 19

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Tord was back in his room, spinning in his office chair. He couldn't stop thinking about the news that was delivered earlier. His old friends, trying to break into their base? He knew they must have had a reason. Matt was too stupid to go willingly, and Edd wouldn't do something like that. Tom probably would have, but he only know that Tord was wanted, but not that he was the leader of an army.

Tord sighed, and put that matter aside. The only thing that mattered at that time was to get the robot going, and to make sure that the robot won't break so easily like last time.
As Tord thought of his friends again, he felt a sensation that he never felt in anyone else. It was like he needed them. He said before that he never needed friends because he could have taken over the world, but now he was starting to miss them.

He would miss when they all had a cola drinking contest, which Edd obviously won and Tom raged at. Or even when Tom decided after to make a beer drinking contest, but Tom and Tord both got drunk and a hangover the next morning.

There was a time when Tom and Tord did a duet with Tord singing and Tom playing the guitar. They danced and sung all afternoon, having the best time ever. They even ignored Edd when he called them for lunch, and stayed up the whole night. Tom and Tord both agreed that was the best time of their lives. Tord didn't even remember how they started doing it, but they just started singing and relaxing.

Brushing by past memories, Tord remembered that Tom was in specifically all of them. Tord loved all of his friends equally, but he found Tom interesting. He had a mixed personality that Tord loved. Half of him was always lazy, but the other part of him was nice and caring; almost like a motherly figure. Tom was always great at hiding his feelings, but not from Tord, who could read him like a book.

There was a sound at the door, and Tord simply yelled, "Come in!" The surprise figure was a little creature that had been a test formed by The Red Army. A creature with limitless powers. It was mixed with two different types of specimens that was going to be The Red Army's first plan to take over the world, but they eventually came up with a better one. They just decided to let the creature go to a base in London.
Along with the creature, Paul came into the room as well.

"Sir, Ivy found a scrap at the base in London." Paul said, bowing down. Ivy was the nickname to the creature they had created. They didn't know what to name it at first, because it was some sort of cat mixed with an alien species, but they settled for Ivy eventually. The creature dropped a scrap piece of clothing that looked to be from a blue hoodie. Tord picked it up and examined it, giving the scrap back to Paul.

"Go run some DNA tests on this so we can identify the intruder who broke in." Tord simply stated, turning back around in his office chair. Paul nodded, Ivy following along with him.

Tord then realized, it wasn't just the whole group he missed, but specifically, it was Tom.
[574 words]

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