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Being a 17-year-old serial killer who lives with his best friend and has extreme anxiety, isn't something one would call... normal. Virgil Graves was never normal. At least that was what his ample amount of therapists and pathetic parents would tell him. Apathetic... Overly and destructively anxious... With a tendency towards violence. Lack of morality... Prone to psychotic episodes... especially during an attack. Panic disorder... Antisocial personality... Blah blah blah.

It was nothing new. Of course, if those so-called doctors knew what Virgil got up to now, they wouldn't have been trying to shove those poisonous pills down his throat. They would have locked him up.. full straight jacket. Virgil chuckled a bit as he walked into his soon to be old house noticing right away that Patton had pack pretty much everything and stuffed it all in the entryway.

"Jesus, Patton. I thought you said we weren't done with packing." Virgil let out a soft laugh as he pushed his way through the mess of boxes. Patton Harris was Virgil current caretaker since his parents kicked the bucket. He was also his best and only friend. Being who Virgil was, you would imagine their relationship to be... strained and toxic. It wasn't. In all actuality, Patton was the only person Virgil actually cared for. Patton helps to keep him grounded for the most part. He helps with Virgil's attacks... and most importantly in Virgil's case...

"You have blood on your shirt." He helps with Virgil's... extracurriculars. Patton peaked his head out of the kitchen with a neutral expression make Virgil sigh as he looked down to see it was true. "If you take it off now, I can treat it while you work on your room." 

"Sure thing... Thanks, Pat." Patton smiled as Virgil stripped his shirt off tossing it over to the moral man.

"I take it this one didn't eat either." It wasn't a question but Virgil still answered like it was. He shook his head and sighed as he sat down at the table.

"They never do. It's a waste of good food, you know?" He knew Patton doesn't really like it but he was happy he had at least one person that didn't shy away and call him a freak. There have even been some very stupid victims that have gone that far... They never made it long in the 'panic room'. 

Virgil was not one to deal with it. He's heard it so many times it's become a trigger for him. Ironically, back then he was relatively normal. It was now that he was anything but. He doesn't do it for the thrill of the kill as so many killers are portayed wanting in shows and movies. He just doesn't care. Death was nothing more than... a destination. Everyone gets there eventually. Why should it matter if he speeds up the ride? 

His 'panic room' was not a place for those to die... it was a place for those to panic, hence the name. His true release was seeing the pure unabated fear in others as they screamed and pleaded for freedom... for a god to save them. The only god that would be seeing them was the one taking their souls after they broke. 

They always brake. They stop screaming and give up. Fear ends up being pointless... Guess no one told them when it came to Anxiety, fighting is always the better option. The longer you fight, the longer you live.

"You should go finish your room up, Kiddo. We leave tomorrow morning." Patton handing him a cookie before running off to probably put the boxes in the uhaul. Virgil just smiled as he took a bite. Moving has never been something Virgil enjoyed or wanted but the excitement of his friend's face seemed to help ease the trickling anxiety running down his spine. 

Virgil slowly made his way to his room pausing only a moment when he spotted his reflection in the mirror. He looked like a demon with those bright purple eyes. He's grown to like them... Even though his parents made it quite clear they thought he was possessed because of them. 

He was surprised Patton hadn't already packed up his room considering there wasn't much left to do, but he supposed it was better that way. If Patton had done it there was a chance Virgil would have an attack if he couldn't find something. He hated moving with a passion. 

He hadn't done it often. Just a few times. Once to a facility that specialized in 'troubled' boys. Once to a group home, then to Pattons, and twice with his actual family. Every time sucked just as much as the last. Virgil walked over to his closet pulling out his patchwork hoodie and put it on instantly melting into its comfort. He only ever took it off when he going to his 'panic room' He didn't need it there but more importantly he didn't want it to get messy.

Standing there in his room Virgil could feel the anxiety in him. He was moving to a small town in a new state. Florida... That's literally across the country. That means new people, new faces, and new assholes who think it's fine to pick on the orphans until they snap.

Oh, and that also means a new school.

Patton refused to let Virgil drop out saying that if anything he should get an education unlike his twin Janus, who dropped out the moment their Father died leaving them all alone. Patton was a senior graduating this year and Virgil, even though he never actually told Patton this, was a year ahead of the rest of his age. He was also a senior. He skipped a grade when the school faculty realized just how smart he was. Patton didn't know because they didn't go to the same school. Now that they were moving to a small town Virgil was going to have to go to the same school as him. 

That thought alone made it all a smidge better. 

After all, Patton was the only one who understood him. Not even Janus who was already living down there knew much about Virgil. Surprisingly because Virgil assumed the man would want to know who's living with his twin... Who knows Patton could have had a serial killer bunking with him.

"I really should finish packing."

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