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Roman burst through the doors of his house like a storm. He slammed the door shut and immediately stopped off into the kitchen ignoring Patton and Logan who both watched with worried eyes. Roman threw his bag onto the counter as he walked over to the sink and turned it on. His thoughts were on a rampage as he stood there cleaning the blood off his knuckles. Logan walked over, took one look, and frowned.

"Roman, what happened?" Roman froze up finally registering the other faces as he turned to Logan with tears in his eyes. "Roman..."

"I didn't mean to. I didn't... He just wouldn't stop." There was a slight gasp making Roman's head jerk over to see Patton running off. His eyes went wide as he started to shake, making Logan even more worried. 

"Roman, talk to me... you didn't..."

"NO!" Roman flinched violantly as he went back to cleaning his hands. "I didn't, I swear I didn't. I didn't... not him." Logan's eyes narrowed as Roman stumbled back hugging himself as he shook his head. "He's fine. He's safe. He isn't going to leave me." Logan slowly walked in front of the boy as Roman mumbled to himself. "He said he would see me Monday. He promised."

"If it wasn't him then who was it" Roman tensed and Logan didn't miss the rage that flashed through the boy's eyes.

"That asshole thought he could take him away. He thought I didn't actually love him... He thought I was just trying to hurt him. I don't want to hurt him. I love him." Logan took Roman's hands in his making him look up at him and narrowed his eyes. 

"Are you ok?"  Roman shook his head slowly making Logan's heart drop.

"I don't know, Logan. I really don't know." Patton ran back in with a first aid kit making Roman tense up again.

"It's ok, Kiddo." Patton carefully took Roman's hands from Logan, leading the hurt one over to the table with a smile. Patton took out a bunch of things as Roman shot Logan this look. Patton just laughed as grabbed some cotton swabs and peroxide. He took Roman's hurt hand again and started to dab the solution on to his cuts only for Roman to wince. "I know it hurts, but it'll help."


"Don't worry, Kiddo. You don't have to explain a thing to me." Roman frowned as he looked up at Logan, who's eyes darkened. "I've helped my brother and Virgil out when they've gotten hurt."

"Now, Roman you do have to say something though." Logan sat down beside the two as Patton started to take out these bandages and wraps. "What happened?" Roman's eyes darted to Patton who was whistling as he worked and Logan frowned. "No, Roman. Don't pay attention to Patton. Look at me." He took his brother's good hand and Roman's eyes met his look of concern. "What happened?"

"New York happened." Logan's eyes went wide as Roman pulled both his hands away. Thankfully Patton was done wrapping it by this point. 

"What Virgil there?" Patton's eyes narrowed in confusion as Logan's voice tumbled through the silent kitchen. "Roman, was Virgil there?"

"He, uh..." Roman frowned as he looked away. "I don't know. He just um..." Logan jumped up taking Patton's hand and leading him away with a frown.

"Logan?" Logan sighed as he ran a hand through his hair as they shook. "What's up?"

"Virgil called you right?" Patton nodded as his eyes slowly narrowed. "What did he tell you exactly?"

"Nothing just that he was going to be spending the weekend in a panic room." Logan's eyes widened as Patton's voice cracked a bit.

"The Panic room being..." Patton nodded again and Logan groaned in frustration as he looked over at Roman again. 

"He said something came up. That he hadn't expected to go but that he avoid it." Logan rolled his eyes more at the situation than anything. He knew more than most that these things couldn't be controlled or managed. Just what they were able to do was an immense achievement in itself.

*Discontinued* Killers in LoveWhere stories live. Discover now