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Virgil waited, counting the days as they passed. Right now he was in his room looking through his notebook. He had been planning since Colt. His eyes scanned everything he had written so calculatedly. Every word... Every name. By this point, Virgil had every since name and death of each and every one of Roman ex relations. Virgil's grip on the notebook tightened as he read everything Colt had for the millionth time. 

"He loved them all?" Virgil frowned as he brushed his fingers over a picture of Roman with a boy named Liam. Roman had this huge smile on his face and his eyes literally shined. Virgil's hand twitched suddenly sending the pen across the pic just a bit to create a mark through Liam's neck. "It's good they're dead then." Virgil sighed as he placed the notebook on the desk. "Roman's mine." Virgil looked over at his nightstand to see the picture Roman had given him and smiled. "Right, Babe?"

"Virgil?" Patton's voice came through the door and Virgil smiled as he ran to open it. Patton was standing there with a tray of cookies and a worried look. 

"What's up, Patton?" The boy frowned seeing Virgil in his black pj pants and no shirt. He didn't even get dressed for the day.

"It's your birthday." Patton held the tray out as Virgil took one.


"And you haven't left your room at all. Virgil, I was thinking..." Patton shifted as Virgil took a bite of the cookie. "I know you're against party's and celebrating and all that but... It might be nice to invite the boys?" Virgil froze up as his eyes went back to the notebook and frowned. "Kiddo, it's just. It's your birthday."

"That means nothing to me." Patton frowned as Virgil just shook his head. "I've got a lot of work to do Patton. I've got to find a Panic Room and figure out the plan for all of that. Plus theres this bitch coming here for me and Roman and I have to be on gaurd for that..."

"Virgil it's your birthday."

"I didn't even know what that was until you brought it up." Patton stomped his foot literally shoving the tray into his friend's arms. "Patton?"

"You are going to get dressed. You are going to go downstairs. And you are going to spend your birthday with everyone." Patton's eyes shined as they narrowed seeing Virgil tense up. "Otherwise, I will tell Roman to drag your but out of here dressed or not."

"If I'm not going to be dressed..." Virgil smirked knowing exactly how Patton would react. "...I'd prefer it if Roman didn't drag me out... that is..." Patton's eyes widened in horror as Virgil's eyes shined. "Unless you want to see the show."

"No. No that is not... what I... meant." Virgil just laughed as he carried the cookies over his desk. "Virgil just... please? I think it would be good for you. I can call everyone. You know, Logan, Remus, Roman..." Virgil paused as Patton inched closer knowing Virgil was finally thinking about it. Virgil's eyes moved to the picture and Patton smiled. "You know Roman would jump at a chance to see you. And were I to say it's your birthday..."

"Seeing Roman might be nice." Virgil bit his lip as Patton nodded.

"I can call them right up. Janus too. I know he'd come if he knew." Virgil's eyes narrowed as he shook his head.

"Why though? What's so special about a birthday? It's literally just another day."

"Virgil you were born today... You're officially 18 now. It's a very special day."  Virgil just stared at him in complete confusion making Patton frown. "Parents should never ignore a child's birthday. The day their baby is born their given a gift, unlike anything they'd ever have. Holding that baby in your arms... hearing it laugh... its smile as it wraps its teeny little hand around your finger... Being a parent is the best feeling in the world. That little gift from God should be your everything but..."

"Patton, I'm a literal poster child. My parents only cared when the cameras were on." Patton's face fell more as his hands clenched and unclenched. It was clear Patton was lost in his head and Virgil frowned knowing why. "Patton, it's ok."

"No, it's not, Virgil. A parent should be loving and devoting and caring... A parent should provide a stable and safe home for their bundle of joy. A father shouldn't be going out and drinking simply because he's a fucking teenager and partying and forgetting about everything just to have a moment of peace because he's some 'bad boy' NO! He should be at home with his child showing them they're loved and cared for so that no one takes them away and he has to deal with..." Virgil grabbed Patton's hands effectively shutting him up with this sad look in his eyes seeing Patton cry. "I'm sorry."

"You lost your daughter, Patton" Virgil smiled sadly as Patton sniffled. "You don't have to apologize to me. Besides... Losing her made you who you are now, Dad. You are healthier, happier, and caring. You've become a true fatherly friend. You're more a dad to me than my own ever was. I think... If she got to see the man you are now... she'd be proud of you."

"She's three." Virgil just shrugged as Patton sighed and nodded. "Right. It's ok. I'm... I'm ok. It's just... Virgil, her mother took her away before I even got one birthday with her. Birthdays are so special. Please let me at least celebrate yours." Virgil smiled as he pulled Patton in. Patton hesitantly wrapped his arms around Virgil with a sad smile as Virgil nodded softly. "Really? You'll let me this time?"

"You're right, Dad." Patton beamed as Virgil pulled away and wiped the tears away. "I should spend it with friends..." Virgil nudged Patton slightly earning a soft laugh. "...and family."

*Discontinued* Killers in LoveWhere stories live. Discover now