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Roman stood there in complete shock watching the bustle of police from behind the yellow tape. There leaned up nice and pretty against the garbage bin from before was Colt Winters. The very man Virgil had stopped him from killing. He said he would handle it. Virgil said Roman wouldn't have to worry. Virgil said he was still alive. 

"Looks like anxiety's officially in Florida." Roman's blood turned to ice as Logan frowned beside him. "Roman?"

"Anxiety didn't do this." Roman's voice shook as he met Logan's neutral gaze. "Logan, Colt was the man I..."

"Shh." Logan sighed as he pulled Roman away from the scene and crowd. Virgil had wanted to be there with Roman but Logan had talked him into staying. He had to keep up appearances obviously. And Logan... He needed to talk to Roman. "Roman..."

"Logan, Anxiety didn't do this. Colt was the one I nearly killed." Roman's head was all jumbled up. "Virgil said he would take care of..."

"Roman, Anxiety did kill Colt." Roman froze as he shook his head only for Logan to take his hand. "Roman..."

"No, I'm telling you Virgil said... Virgil... he said he would." Logan frowned seeing the confusion fill his brother's eyes. "He couldn't..."

"Anxiety killed Colt. I'm telling you this right now. Anxiety killed that man." Roman's eyes widened as Logan smiled sadly. "You love Virgil right?" Roman nodded furiously and Logan sighed. "Than you need to help him. He isn't used to this. Patton, he..."

"PATTON KNOWS?!" Logan freaked covering Roman's mouth quickly as Logan shot him a look. 

"Patton's been helping Virgil for years. Just as I have been helping you." Roman didn't know how to take this. It made sense now. It made it clear why Patton wasn't afraid of him... or why he would need to know how to get blood out of things. "Ro..."

"Virgil's anxiety?" Logan nodded as Roman's eyes filled with horror. "HOLY SHIT NO WONDER HE WAS SHAKING!" 

"What?" Logan deflated as Roman stepped back with tears in his eyes. "That's all you have to say."

"I called him a basket case... in front of him. He must have been so hurt."

"I just told you the man you love is a serial killer and THAT'S all you care about?! The guy's murdered for years ON PURPOSE! You fell in love with an insane..." Roman's eyes darkened making Logan tense as Roman glared at him.

"I love him, Logan." That was all Roman had to say. It was a threat and an explanation. It said plenty without saying much but that was simply because Logan knew the man who had said it. Basically Roman just told Logan to watch it.

"My apologies, Roman. It's just... I'm worried about you. You have your own issues to deal with and now... Virgil's on top of that. Roman's he just like you." Roman's eyes widened again with a smile making Logan groan in annoyance. "What now?"

"You just said he like me... that means... I'll never lose him." Logan frowned slightly seeing the way Roman's eyes lit up. "Think about Logan. If he loves me and he's like me... then he'll get just as possessive and he'll never want to leave me. I literally could be with him forever and never suffer through another heartbreak."

"Unless he gets caught and sentenced to life or worse because he's a serial killer." Logan whisper yelled making Roman frown as reality seemed to finally kick in. "Roman, he killed Colt... and Lydia."

"No, Lydia died by..." The look Logan was giving him made Roman freeze. 

"He killed Lydia, Roman. Patton's told me it was only a matter of time before she went to his... panic room." Roman narrowed his eyes as Logan sighed. "Something must have happened to make him not wait."

"What's the point in telling me this?" Roman crossed his arms as he glanced up to a window seeing Virgil staring down. "It's not like I'm going to leave him... ever."

"Roman, he's a kill..."

"So am I, what's your point?" Logan ran a hand through his hair in frustration.

"He's a killer, who's never experienced love before. A Yandere who's never had a Senpai." Roman's face fell as Logan frowned sadly. "He doesn't understand what he's feeling. Patton's told me that Virgil has a very... dependent personality. He relies on external means to 'feel' things. He's apathetic, psychopathic... extremely manipulative but worst still is his trigger. His anxiety, Roman. Patton said if he's provoked during an attack... he'll lash out like you. Total violent blackout."

"He's never loved before?" Logan took a deep breath as he tried to calm himself down. Talking to Roman about this was an issue. He knew from the beginning. This was a man that Roman loves after all. Things were obviously going to be ignored or waved off. Roman isn't going to stop loving Virgil. Not unless Virgil breaks his heart and Logan prays for both their sakes that never happens. "How is that possible? I've had like..." Roman bit his lip as he shook his head and sighed. "I fall too easily."

"You feel." Roman frowned as Logan shrugged. "Think of it this way. You're very passionate. Yes, your... conscious is muted. You don't care about others but you understand what your doing is wrong... you just don't stop. You're a sociopath. Theres a difference. Virgil doesn't feel anything at all... ever." Roman looked back up at Virgil who only smiled the moment their eyes met. "Not unless excited by someone else. Patton makes him feel cared for. His victim... that he isn't alone. You made him feel something to Roman. I don't know what but... it was strong enough for him to latch on to you."

"So what you're saying is... I have to protect him?" Logan nodded as Roman sighed in understanding.

"He doesn't understand what he's feeling. This is all new to him. hell... He literally left the world a clear warning." Logan gestured back towards the ally and Roman's brows knitted with concern. "He was sending everyone a message. 'His territory'? Roman he was telling people to back off. As in... take a step to close and they'll regret it... hurt you and they'll die."

"Like colt?" Logan's eyes fell as Roman frowned.

"Like Lydia."

*Discontinued* Killers in LoveWhere stories live. Discover now