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Virgil kept glaring over at Lydia the entire class. His wrists itched with anxious anticipation. He didn't even care that he didn't have a Panic room yet. He wanted to make that bitch pay. He didn't know if it was because she was sending them all a sink eye or if was because she tried to force Roman into a relationship. 

"Fucking bitch." Virgil felt a chill down his spine as his eyes met with hers. Her eyes went wide as he smirked at her. He felt that itch deep below his skin. His mind burned with so many possibilities. Would he make her feel the pain she inflicted on Roman for trying to force herself on him or... Would he make her feel the pain he felt? The excruciating agony in his chest just at the mere sight of her with Roman. Virgil couldn't help but smile. It was all his mind could think of. He didn't know when but he made up his mind. Lydia had no idea... but Virgil had just marked her as a target.

"Kiddo, are you ok?" Virgil narrowed his eyes at the sound of Patton's voice but made no other reaction. He was just staring at the bitch who tried to take Roman from him. Roman was his. He didn't care what anyone said or tried. If anyone got in his way. "Virgil, your bleeding." Virgil snapped out of it as Patton pulled his hands away. He frowned seeing he had scratched at his wrists so much they started to bleed. He wasn't even aware he had been scratching. "Is it..." Virgil nodded and Patton's face paled. "Uh... oh ok. We don't have a panic room yet."

"I-I know, Pat." Virgil sighed as he hugged himself trying really hard not to look over at Lydia again. "I know. I'll be ok."

"Are you sure? I can help look..." Virgil just shook his head and pulled his arms from Patton's grasp.

"Don't worry about me, Pat. I'm..." His eyes darted to Lydia and his throat closed. His eyes started to twitch before someone walked in front of Lydia blocking his view of her. His eyes went wide as they met with those familiar green. "I'll be fine Patton."

"Ok... If you're sure." 

"I am." Virgil smiled as Roman posed giving him a silly look and Virgil had to choke back a laugh.

"I trust you, kiddo. Just please let me know if things get worse." Virgil nodded as Patton sighed. "I should probably let you know now then... Logan invited me over to his place to work on our Psych project."

"Really?" Patton nodded and Virgil nudged him smirking as he laughed. "Well, good for you. Already making your move, I see."

"It's for a project!" Virgil just laughed as Patton pouted. "I won't go if you need..."

"I am fine, Patton. Really... I can manage." Patton sighed as he nodded, walking away to go back to doing whatever his job was. Virgil stood there staring at Roman who had jumped to talking with one of his co-stars.

"Looks like someone fancies himself a prince." Virgil froze at the unfamiliar voice. A hand wrapped around his shoulders. His eyes darted up to see an older man around Thomas's age probably staring at Roman with this smile. "A royal in Sandsvale High..." Virgil could feel the guys aura as strongly as he could feel Pattons. A strong sense of right and wrong... and a need for justice. "A prince is someone who's supposed to protect his subjects." The man's hand gripped Virgil's shoulder a tad to tightly as he smiled down at him. Virgil could tell it was as fake as that crappy dye job he had in his hair. "Prince Roman of Sandsvale High... has a nice ring to it huh?"

"Doesn't sound like you like it, Sir." The man laughed as slapped Virgil's back making the boy lurch forward. Virgil turned around glaring at the man daring him to try and say anything about Roman but the man must not have gotten the clear warning.

"Just be careful there, young man." Virgil narrowed his eyes as the man smiled down at him. "I wouldn't want you getting yourself hurt."

"Is that a threat?" The man only shook his head as he turned away.

"Of course not. It's just a warning from a concerned citizen." The man slowly walked off and Virgil frowned watching him pull the teacher off to the side. Virgil had a very bad feeling about this guy and will everything he's learned, the most important has always been to trust his instincts. That man was going to cause trouble. He just knew it.

"Hey, Virgil... you ok?" Virgil smiled as he turned to see Roman standing there looking a little worried.

"Yeah, I'm ok. Just some... dude. I'm fine." Roman nodded as he continued to stare at the man. "So you're the prince huh?"

"Yep, do I look the part?" Roman posed with a smirk making Virgil laugh.

"Sure you do, Prince Pathetic." Roman's eyes flashed as Virgil grinned. "You have quite the regal persona... Your subject must be so proud."

"I wouldn't know... are you?" Virgil punched Roman's arm as the two laughed. "But no seriously... how do I look?" Virgil smiled as he shrugged. "Virgil come on..."

"I really don't know princey..." Roman's faltered a bit as Virgil shot him this look. "Why don't you take it all off so I can get a refresher." You wouldn't believe how red Roman got. Of course the smirk Virgil had completely stunned Roman as the princely one grabbed Virgil's arm and pulled him away from the crowd. "Roman?" Roman moved them behind the stage and pushed Virgil against the wall with this look in his eyes that made a shiver go down his spine. "R-Ro..."

"Did you really think you would get away with saying something like that, Virgil?" Roman held his wrists to the wall as he smirked deviously leaning in close. "Why don't we see what all that will get you?" Virgil's blood boiled as Roman leaned in more only to freeze. The prince pulled away much to Virgil's disdain with this frown. "Sorry, I should go."

"Wait, Roman..." Virgil watched as Roman left him just standing there lost and confused, ignorant to the eyes watching from the corner.

*Discontinued* Killers in LoveWhere stories live. Discover now