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| Lily |

"Come on Anne. Where is it?" I groan playfully as I follow Anne through the forest. We had been walking for quite some time now, Anne leading me to a place she made that she just had to show me since I was the only one who hadn't seen it yet.

"We're close," she tells me, grabbing my hand and running along. And then I see it. A small house made of tree branches and twigs. It's decorated adorably even having a chimney.

"Oh, Anne!" I gasp, "did you build this? It's magnificent!" She smiles bashfully and leads me closer.

"Do you want to see inside?" she asks and pulls me inside. The interior amazes me even more.

"It's ours," she states proudly, "our writing club of course. I'm sorry about earlier."

"Don't be Anne," I turn to look at her, "no need for an apology when you're willing to share this with me and Diana."

"Come any time you like," she grins, sitting down, "that is if your parents approve."

"Forget my parents," I huff, plopping down next to her, "can you read some of your stories?" Anne's face immediately lights up with the question as she scurries over to a box, pulling out one of her works.

"Okay here it goes," she begins.

"I wonder where Gilbert was today?" Diana question as we wait in the schoolyard for Anne to return so we can leave. I stay silent.

"I wouldn't imagine that you would have any idea as to why?" she egged on, nudging me in the ribs slightly.

"No, I don't have any idea Diana," I lied, giving her a playful but stern glare. Our conversation came to a close as we noticed Anne, rather flustered storming out the doors of the schoolhouse.

"What's seems to be the matter Anne?" Diana asked her as she approached us.

"Gilbert is taking time off school so Mr. Philips is forcing me to take him his books so he won't fall behind," she rants, I earn a smug look from Diana, "can you believe this?"

"Why not have Lily take his books?" Diana suggests, a big smile present on her face, "her and Gilbert are friends are you not?" I open my mouth to protest but stop myself. I do wish to see him.

"What a wonderful idea," Anne plays along, handing me the stack of books, "I'm sure she won't mind."

"You two are devious," I smirk, teasing my friends as I make my way into the woods.

"We only do it because we love you Lily," Anne sighs, her and Diana splitting away from me, going down a separate path. I smile to myself knowing that I'll have a chance to see Gilbert now, that feeling begins to rise into my chest again but this time I don't wish for it to go away. I welcome it.

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