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| Gilbert |

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| Gilbert |

I've become trapped in another sleepless night as I contemplate what I'm going to write in my letter to Lily. The crumpled piece of parchment sits on my lap, only visible by the glimmering lamp light a few feet away. The paper is completely blank, apart from the date and my scribbled 'Dear Lily' at the top as I tap my pencil repeatedly on the page.

I'll obviously tell her that I miss her, and give her details about Trinidad. But so much was said in her other letters, things I don't know that she wanted me to read. I could tell her that I love her? No, no that's stupid. Hey Lily, I'm not coming back but it's okay because I love you! If she doesn't hate me already, she'll for sure hate me once I tell her that. Why is this so difficult? I continue to stare at the blank paper. And I write lightly.

I miss you too?

I miss you so much that I would jump off this boat and swim back to Avonlea if it meant that I could see you.

Erasing my draft I try to begin again. I should just write it and whatever it ends up being, that's it. But what if I forget something, or say too much? I almost want to crumple up and rip the paper so I can throw it away and not have to think about this anymore. What if I break her heart? I groan in frustration. Screw it. I begin writing once again, except this time I'm not stopping.

| Lily |

Anne and I sit on the fence that surrounds Green Gables, watching from a distance as the postman makes his way towards us. She nearly squeals in anticipation, but I hide my excitement, not wanting to give Anne anymore teasing material.

"Is there a love letter addressed to Lily Grant from her beloved in a distant, mysterious place," Anne practically assaults the postman, "please say yes!"

"I'm afraid not," he says halfheartedly, handing us the mail, and causing Anne to fall into a saddened stupor. She looks to me for a reaction, anything that she could comment on but I don't give her the satisfaction. I definitely regret hinting to her that I loved him, which I'm not even sure about yet. I can't love him, he broke my heart. And although I've forgiven him, my feelings still remain. If he would come back, maybe things can be different.

I notice Anne out of the corner of my eye pull a light pink envelope out of the stack and examine it. She looks up at me with a small grin on her face. This can't be good.

"If you could find it in your heart to respond, it would mean the world to me," Anne speaks diligently, a romantic tone coating every word, "you are a special man. Yours, Jeanie." I roll my eyes as she finishes, watching her gush over every word, and Diana and Ruby beam with excitement.

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