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| Gilbert |

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| Gilbert |

"I have a strong work ethic sir and I've chosen my vocation," I tell Mr. Philips, "Medical school, sir, I know it's for me."

"Riveting," he replies, barely paying any mind to me.

"So I was hoping you could offer me some extra time outside of class, so that I can catch up, make up for the time that I missed," I propose, but he's still not paying attention, averting his gaze behind me towards Prissy. I follow his gaze but meet Lily's eyes instead. Lily, who knows exactly what I'm talking to Philips about. She smiles. A small smile that only I would notice, a smile that tells me that she's rooting for me, that she cares. No matter what. I look back to the teacher, more confident than I was before.

"It could also be an opportunity to prove wrong all those who think you don't care all that much about your teaching." He sends me a glare, knowing that I've called him out. Damn. I may have just ruined my chances, "I'm only asking for a small portion of your time, sir."

"Is that all? My time?" He snaps, "Tell me, should your father simply give his crops away because someone wants them? Feels he deserves them? Hmm? Hmm? He should not. Time is money, Mr. Blythe." I seethe, having had enough of his condescending tone.

"My father's dead, sir," I snap back. Soft gasps echo from my classmates behind me, the air in the room becoming suspenseful. But I could care less.

"Yes, well... the metaphor still plays," with a lazy wave of his hand, he dismisses me to my seat.

| Lily |

"Where were you? We waited," Anne exclaims dramatically as Diana rushes in.

"Father has a cold. We're not going to Aunt Josephine's party either," Diana replies as I stand up, ready to make my way over to Gilbert after what just happened.

"Alright, bright little minds, open your readers," Mr. Philips announces, interrupting me, "Ms. Grant, take your seat." Frozen, I look to Gilbert, but it's not his eyes that I meet. Instead, Billy is glaring at me, hunched over his desk, eyes daring me to do something.

I feel a pull at my dress only to find Anne, pleading with me to sit down. Embarrassed, I do, as Mr. Philips begins to drone on with his lesson.

Snow coats the forest floor as Anne, Diana, Cole, and I walk through the woods on our way home. I have to be honest with myself, I miss walking home with Gilbert, all the laughs we shared, it didn't even cross my mind that when I moved in with the Cuthberts that those moments would be taken from us. Then again, I also didn't think that he would ever come back, of course, that fact has changed now.

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