Chapter 10

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Third POV.

Ruth was sat in the living room with Elena. The two sisters were watching a series that they both love, The Walking Dead, Elena somehow loved Carl and the other younger people in the show. Whereas Ruth was totally crushing on the main bad guy, Negan. Which told a lot about the two sisters in general, Elena liked people her age. While Ruth preferred older men.

They were sat watching the show, as a chance to cheer Elena up. She had cut Stefan off, and was moping around the house. Jenna said something to her when they first entered the room about Logan Fell being an ass. After that, she left the room to go for a shower. Jeremy was sat at the back of the room doing homework, while also glaring slightly at his adopted sister.

Ruth chose to ignore him, he hurt her and she wanted nothing to do with him for the time being. And Elena understood that, what their brother had done was cruel and unforgiveable.

After watching a few episodes, the sisters went upstairs and moved to lay in Elena's bed. The two sisters cuddled while spoke quietly.

Someone entering Elena's room broke up their conversation and they looked to see Bonnie. She stared at the two sisters in relief and barely concealed anger. "Why haven't you guys called me back?" The two sisters share and Elena looks to Bonnie.

"We're sorry." Bonnie sighs.

"Are you guys gonna stay in there forever?" The two sisters nodded.

"Yeah." Ruth confirmed. Bonnie rolls her eyes and crawls on the bed to where the two sisters were sat. She sits opposite side of Ruth and motions for the sisters to scoot over. They move and Bonnie gets under the cover and lays her head on Ruth's shoulder and lets out a sigh.

"I'm officially worried. What's going on?" She looks to her best friend in worry.

"We're done with life, Elena is mopey and I give up." Bonnie's eyebrows furrow in worry.

"Can I get a one-line version so I can at least pretend to be helpful?"

"Stefan and I broke up." Bonnie looked to Ruth.

"Jeremy told me that he hates me." Bonnie winced.

"I'm so sorry. Are you guys okay?" Ruth raises an eyebrow and runs her hands through her beautiful best friend's hair. Bonnie smiles and then speaks after realising her mistake. "Right stupid question. I know I've been kind of MIA when you both need me the most. I suck."

The two sisters share a look and Elena smirks a little. "You wanna make it up to us. Get our mind off of it."

"Just remember you asked for it." Bonnie gets up and groans slightly when Ruth stops playing with her hair. She exhales as she closes Elena's window and grabs a pillow. Ruth raises an eyebrow as she watches Bonnie rip it open and empties all the feathers onto the bed.

"Hey!" Elena exclaims while Ruth stares in interest.

"Be patient."

"Okay..." Elena trails of while looking at the feathers in confusion.

"I need to swear you to secrecy." Bonnie tells them. Ruth sits up properly and nods.

"It's kind of a bad week for that kind of stuff." Ruth jabs Elena in the side and she squeals.

"Shut up, 'Lena. Just say you swear, I wanna see what happens." Elena scoffs slightly and then coughs after Ruth jabs her again. Elena sighs and throws up her hands in mock annoyance.

"Okay, I swear. Geez." Ruth motions for Bonnie to continue.

"There's no windows open, right?" They look around and shake their heads. "There's no fan. No air conditioning."

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