Chapter 22

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Third POV.

Ruth is stood with Tyler in the grill, she hated this, it was weird. But she did hope that her Aunt won the raffle for Alaric, she could not deal with the bitching coming from Jenna if she did not win a date with him.

They were talking, but Ruth saw Matt's mom enter the grill, she instantly retreated. Her and Kelly Donovan did not get along at all. She saw Ruth as some charity cause that only cause trouble due to her orphan past. She was a right bitch.

Mrs Lockwood was announcing all the bachelors, the only ones Ruth was interested in hearing was Alaric's and Damon's. "Number 4, 'Alaric Saltzman.' Wow. That's quite a mouthful. What do you do, Alaric?" Ruth saw her aunt's face light up, she smiled at this.

"I'm a teacher at Mystic Falls High." He looked sheepish.

"Oh, beauty and brains, ladies. This one's a keeper. What do you teach?"

"History!" Ruth called out, causing her teacher to go red and the others to laugh at her. Elena whacked her sister's arm.

"Thanks for that Ruth." Mrs Lockwood smiled. "Oh, well, give us a fun fact about Mystic Falls, something crazy." He looks to Damon who places his hand up to his ear, Ruth rolled her eyes at him. Ric stuttered, so Mrs Lockwood pulled the mic away from him. "He's probably saving the best stories for his date." She moves to Damon. "And last, but not least, Damon Salvatore. We don't have much on you."

Stefan stops in the middle of the room, he catches eye contact with Elena, who in return smiles and waves. Ruth grabs his attention by winking at him, he pretends to swoon. The two sister's giggle at him. He then turns away from them and looks back to the stage.

"Well, I'm tough to fit on a card" Ruth rolled her eyes at him, what an idiot, she thought.

"Do you have any hobbies, like to travel?"

"Oh, yeah. L.A., New York." He makes eye contact with Ruth. "Couple of years ago, I was in North Carolina. Near the Duke campus, actually. I think—I think Alaric went to school there. Didn't you, Ric?" They look at each other. "Yeah, 'cause I-- I know your wife did." Elena's hand instantly searches for Ruth's hand, she grips onto it. "I had a drink with her once. She was—she was a great girl. I ever tell you that? Cause she was – Delicious." Damon moaned.

Ruth's face grew red in anger, her eyes began to slightly glow. She saw Elena grow pale, and saw tears gather in her pretty brown eyes. Jenna notices and looks to the older sister. "Are you okay?"

"I just need some air." She grabs Ruth's hand and pulls her outside. Stefan follows the two. When they get outside, Elena turns to Stefan.

"He killed her? Damon was the vampire that killed her?" Elena spoke up.

"I don't know what happened. Alaric said that they never found the body." Ruth wraps her arms around Elena, keeping her sister stable as well as warm. It was cold outside.

"Oh, my god. Stefan."

"I know, I wanted to tell you. But I just—I wanted to know more." Stefan tells his girlfriend.

"I was feeling sorry for him, hoping that this whole Katherine thing would change him. I'm so stupid. And I let him stay alone in a room with Rue this morning, he could have killed her." Ruth winced; Elena rubbed her sister's back.

"He doesn't know about the connection to you. And we all know that he wouldn't touch her, not now. I thought about confronting him, but he's already so on edge." Stefan watches the two sisters, he wanted to comfort them both. But he knew it wouldn't work on them.

"Why are you protecting him?" She snaps, her finger lightly digging into Ruth's back, Ruth breathed out in sadness. He always seemed to ruin their trust in him.

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