Chapter 31

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Third POV.

Bonnie, Elena and Ruth were sat in Ruth's room. Bonnie and Ruth were sat next to each other while Elena was sat the other side of them. Ruth was still upset with Elena, so she didn't want to speak to the girl. "Now that you've got this back, what are you gonna do with it?" Elena asked Bonnie, due to Jeremy, they got the moonstone. But Stefan was still stuck in the tomb with Katherine.

"Right now, it's what is binding the Sun and the Moon Curse. If I can figure out a way to remove the spell from the stone, the stone becomes useless." Bonnie tells them, Ruth grabs the stone to examine. It's just a clear rock, kind of light, but that's it. It doesn't seem like it could break or make the Gilbert family.

"And according to Katherine, Klaus becomes vengeful." Ruth glared at her sister.

"Maybe. If he finds out." Bonnie tells them, feeling Ruth's magic slightly pick up, it called her.

"Bonnie, can't this wait? Stefan is stuck in the tomb with Katherine. We've got to get him out."

"God sake, Elena, he wants us to focus on this. We'll figure out how to get him out soon." Ruth snaps at her sister, Elena looks to her hands in sadness.

"Don't listen to him. He thinks that he's protecting us, but he's wrong." Elena looks to Ruth, Ruth just ignores her and looks in another spell book Regina sent her.

"I'm taking Stefan's side with this one. We're not gonna let Ruth get took by a creepy man, or you get used in some creepy sacrifice ritual." Bonnie defends Stefan. Jeremy arrives, and Bonnie takes the stone from Ruth's lap.

"What are you guys arguing about?" Ruth groans and speaks.

"Arguing usually requires a valid point on both sides, Buttercup, but in this case it does not. So, technically, we're not arguing about anything." Elena pouts at her sister's coldness, she's not used to this. Jeremy just snorts and shakes his head. Both girls watch Bonnie put the moonstone in her bag, Elena's eyes gain a glimmer.

"I need a coffee." Bonnie get's up and leaves. Jeremy looks to his sisters and sighs.


"Why are you two on some suicide mission?" Ruth gasps in anger and smashes her book down on her yellow quilt.

"Us two?" Ruth's eyes begin to glow. "There is no us two, this was all her." She points a black nail to Elena and Jeremy's eyes widen.

"I'm trying to prevent everyone else from getting hurt, and eventhough Ruth is angry with me at the minute, I know deep down she agrees." Ruth huffs and her eyes dim.

"Oh so, bringing Klaus the moonstone so you can get Ruth probably killed, and yourself definitely killed is okay?" Jeremy asks. Elena doesn't say anything, Jeremy huffs and leaves. Ruth goes to the toilet and then goes back into her room. She sees Elena has gone and that Bonnie's bag was open.

Ruth rushes downstairs to see Elena walk to the door, but bashes into an invisible barrier. Ruth laughs at this and walks over to where Elena is and goes to walk out. Ruth then bashes into the barrier as well. Elena laughs in return

"What the fuck, guys?" She looks to them. "I get trapping her in here, but why me?"

Bonnie smirks and speaks. "Eventhough you don't openly agree with Elena, I know you'd do anything to help us. And with Elena's persuasion, you'd probably try give the stone to Klaus."

Ruth scoffs. "Ha! As if!" She looks to her brother and Bonnie, then her sister who seems to be sulking. Ruth huffs. "Fine!" She goes to go up to her bedroom but trips on a step. All three of them laugh at her. She screeches in annoyances and some photos on the walls begin to shake.

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