Chapter 37

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Third POV.

Ruth couldn't understand what was happening. She was in some sort of limbo where her whole body was on fire. She was in a perpetual state of agony that she couldn't get rid of. She could feel her blood rushing around her body, she could feel her magic bubble and thrive under the pressure of the heat.

Something in her body was changing as she felt her skin mend itself, she could feel the blinding pain in her throat, she was thirsty, so thirsty. Her hunger was making her feel physical pain. She knew that she was transitioning into a vampire, and yet her magic was still there, trying to soothe the pain in her throat.

It was cooling her burning pain, and the pain in her gums.

Suddenly, just as Klaus had finished killing Elena, Ruth shot up from the flames. Stefan watched and let out a cry of relief at the sight of her. The only problem with her was that her hair was now a pale white, close to blonde, and he could sense something had changed.

Klaus looked to her in relief as she falls out of the flame, but he quickly averts his eyes as she realises that all of her clothes had burned off. Then, she falls to the ground, passing unconscious again.

Ruth gasps as she awakens, she feels Damon's hand touching her face. His scent was stronger, she could hear Jeremy's heartbeat, she could smell Bonnie's blood and she could feel the thirst in her throat. "How do you feel?" Ruth looks at Damon and cries.

"I'm hungry." She cries out, everyone sucks in a breath of shock and they let out a cry. Damon pulls away in shock, he then speeds away. She notices John come back into the room in sadness.

"I'm sorry Ruth, I'm so sorry, we were too late." She screams out in pain, and all the windows smash, they all look to her in confusion, but it soon gets replaced when Stefan hands her a blood bag. He opens it and pushes it in her mouth, she drinks a small amount, but then chokes.

She pushes his hand away as she swallows some of it, her thirst instantly disappears as it travels down her throat, she looks to Stefan and his eyes widen in shock. Unlike the normal vampire face, her eyes were golden, and she had some fangs, but what was strange was that her whole body was glowing gold.

"What's happening to me?" She asks as they all look to her in shock. She then stands up too quickly crashes into the wall, she sees Jeremy and he moves back from her. She doesn't even feel the hunger, or the illustrious off switch every vampire talks about. "Stefan, what's wrong with me?" They all look to her in shock as they've realised, she's been stood in the sun, and she wasn't burning.

"I don't know, Ruth."

Ruth stayed in bed for a couple of days, she couldn't sleep with all of the new sounds, she couldn't concentrate as her emotions were going haywire, she wasn't hungry like they all expected, and her magic wouldn't stop lashing out.

All she could do was focus her magic on a small pot of pencils, that she continued to destroy. She hears someone come up the stairs and they enter her room. "Ruth..." Damon's voice trails off, her improved hearing is able to pick up on more of his huskiness, she can smell his cologne, hear his breathing and she can sense something is wrong.

"Leave me alone, Damon." She snaps, this was his fault. Whatever she was, was his fault, and she was angry. She was also very attracted to him and she wanted him to leave before she rips his clothes off his perfect body. "Go away." She notices he was still there, and her magic, as if acting on instinct pushes him out of her room.

She shouted into her pillow in anger, she was all over the place, and she hated it. Elena rushes into her room, and Ruth sits up at the sight of her. Elena grabs her sister's arm and drags her into the bathroom.

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