Chapter 15

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Third POV.

Emma's heart stuttered, her breathing wasn't much better, her daughter spoke to her, face to face. Emma's feet automatically began moving towards her child, her child's companion watched her with a predatory look in his cold eyes. She didn't care, all she wanted was her beautiful daughter to be gathered in her arms. Just as she was about to grab Ruth, the raven-haired man grabbed her wrist and stopped her. He shook his head cockily and wrapped an arm around Ruth.

Ruth sighed at this, she didn't know if she wanted to be held in her mother's arm or not. She wanted the comfort of a mother once again, but Emma was not hers. Miranda was and that would never change, even when meeting Emma. So, eventhough it hurt, Ruth stood tall and held out her hand. "Hello Emma." She repeated.

"R-ruth." Emma stuttered, but was interrupted by her son barging past her. He grabbed his older sister and pulled her in his arms. Ruth's head layed on his shoulders, while Henry put his face into the crook of her neck. He finally felt whole. Ruth giggled, here was her twin. Her beautiful little brother. Her family.

"Henry." Ruth giggled, he pulled away and looked into her piercing eyes. Her eyes were warm and caring, they held a softness only meant for him. "It's great to finally meet you." Damon cleared his throat and raised an eyebrow. "This cocky guy is my newly formed best friend, Damon Salvatore." Henry looked at him and smiled, it was tense, but it was still a smile.

"You must be the other twin, lovely to meet you." He turned to a gobsmacked Emma and smirked. "And you must be mommy dearest who dumped my little Ruth, and the other twin, so you could live a fun life." Ruth wacked him in the stomach and he mock groaned. Henry glared at the man. "Who's the fossil you left, he looks like he's one minute away from having a stroke, or a heart attack. Or maybe both." Damon said while staring at the man who had been glaring at him since they arrived.

"That's Rump- That's Mr Gold." Henry corrected himself, Ruth raised an eyebrow at his mess up. "And we're meeting someone he used to know, then mom, Ruth and me are going out to talk." Damon and Ruth shared a look, this was sketchy. But Ruth nodded and walked over to the man.

She stuck out her hand and he shook it. He nodded at her while turning to look at the apartment building. The group came together and looked at what he was looking at. The man looks tense. Ruth picked this up and spoke out. "Whoever we're waiting for, they're not expecting us, are they?" At the tense silence, her thoughts were proved right.

Henry, Emma and Gold were looking at the names on the door bell. Ruth and Damon were behind them, he had his hand on the small of Ruth's back, to comfort her and him. "No Baelfire."

"Cool name." Ruth snorted.

"Yeah, that wouldn't fly as an alias." Ruth and Damon shared a look of confusion, what were her biological family? "Your magic globe didn't give you an apartment number?" Emma whispered, both Damon and Ruth heard. Ruth tensed up and gripped onto Damon's side. Ruth ignored the rest of the conversation, she was beginning to regret meeting up with them. She only zoned back in when Emma pointed to a number with no name on it. "Here's your boy."

"No. Or it could just be vacant."

"You may traffic in names and magic, but I traffic in finding people that don't want to be found, and those sorts of folks don't like to advertise their whereabouts." Ruth stared up at Damon and mouthed 'what the fuck?' He shrugged. Emma presses a button and speaks into it. "UPS package for 407-" The line was cut off.

Ruth chuckles and speaks. "Maybe you should have said he had a massive collection of paperback porn that he needed to collect." Damon chuckles as does Henry. They hear a bang.

"He's running." Emma, her twin and fossil look into the window. They see a man run.

"That favour you owe me. This is it. Get him to talk to me. I can't run." Ruth looks at the old man and nods in agreement. She wanted Emma to leave so she could speak to Henry and Gold.

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