Chapter 23

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Third POV.

The sister's go to leave the house for school, Elena gets stopped by Jenna, so Ruth opens the door. She comes face to face with her uncle, John. He smiles at the two girls. "Ruth! Elena!" Ruth squeals in happiness and pulls her favourite uncle in for a hug.

"Hi Uncle John." She smiles at him, surprisingly, she got on very well with her uncle, she loved him dearly. He smiles at the two girls and looks to Jenna.


"John, you made it."

"I said I'll be here before noon." He enters the house, gently pushing Ruth out of the way.

"Oh what you say and what you do are typically two very different things." Ruth and Elena share a look and Jeremy comes down.

"Uncle John, what's up?"

"Hey!" Jeremy slaps John on the shoulder, barges into Ruth and leaves the house. She rolls her eyes at her petty little brother. "I had some business in town; I thought that a visit was in order."

"How long are you staying?" He shrugs, he doesn't know. "Okay, well, we're gonna go to school, see you later." The two sisters leave the house and get in the car.

Ruth opens her front door and opens to see Damon. "Oh good you're here." She smiles in relief at his pretty face, but then goes stoic again, she doesn't like him anymore.

"You ask I come. I'm easy like that." She rolls her eyes, and Damon sees Elena and Jeremy eating in the living room.

He basically shouts, "No Ruth, I will not go to your bedroom with you." She grabs his arm and pulls him upstairs. He chuckles as he goes up, Jeremy and Elena watch them go upstairs. They go into her room. Ah, just like I remember." She rolls her eyes at him.

"Stop messing around." He drops onto her bed, grabs her Totoro teddy and cuddles into it.

"Did you know that your uncle has been kicking it with the Founders' Council?" She isn't even shocked.

"I love Uncle John and everything, but it really doesn't shock me that he is." She moves, revealing a broken lamp, one of her favourites. Damon notices the lamp and uses Totoro's arm to point to it.

"What happened right there?"

"Ew... Elena and Stefan happened. They were in my room, Stefan nearly lost control of himself and then he broke my lamp." She pouts at the lamp. "Look Damon, Elena's worried about Stefan. She's too much of a pussy to ask for your help though. Apparently, he says that everything's okay but he's clearly struggling. How long is it gonna take before he goes back to normal?" She asks her ex best friend.

"A few days, give or take." She rolls her eyes at him.

"It's been a few days."

"Give then, I don't know. What's the big deal?" He gets up and gives her the teddy.

"He's not himself, Day." She whispers, genuinely worried for her best friend. Damon goes towards her drawers and opens it.

"Well, maybe his problem is that he has spent too long not being himself." He takes one of her big bras what has black lace on it. He holds it and smirks at her. She snatches it from him.

"Stop it, Day." She whines, he smiles, he's missed that loving tone, he will get her back. He grabs a picture from her mirror. He looks at it, it was a picture of the two of them in New York. She was wrapped in his arms, and her hair was flowing. It was a beautiful picture.

She looks at the picture and smiles. "That was when we were waiting for Emma, Henry took it, I didn't notice until we got home." He nods, his throat suddenly dry. He misses her, he wants her back.

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