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After they planned for another hour they left their dorm,but before they did Ginny Asked Hermione something. "What made you hex Lavender"She had Asked.Hermione sighed. "She started saying that her and Ron were in deep love,That he loved her and that he would have cheated on me for her.She Said I was an idiot for breaking up with him.The last thing she said got me mad.She told me that I'll never find love and that Everyone sees me as a sidekick and that they'll only use me to get to Harry"Hermione Said.Ginny Glared At The floor. "Why didn't you tell me!"Ginny snapped, "That Girl was trying to get on your nerves so you'd seem bad infront of everyone!"Ginny said. "I thought I could deal with it"Hermione Said.After Ginny made Hermione promise to tell her everything Lavender does to her,They went to the commen room.Ron and Lavender Were sitting at the couch,Cuddling When Hermione And Ginny Came down.Ron Looked up at them and Let go of Lavender.Lavender Glared At Hermione And Ginny. "Jealous are you"She snapped quietly at Hermione.Ginny Glared at Lavender. "Ron,We have Quidditch tryouts now"Ginny said. "I thought they're next week"Ron said. "Change of plan,Go tell everyone who wants to tryout.I'm going to the field"Ginny said and Left the Room with Hermione.

"What was that about"Hermione Asked. "Well,It'll Get Lavender away from my brother,and The Slytherins will be there."Ginny said.Hermione was confused for a bit before understanding. "Really"Hermione groaned. "What,You'll have a boyfriend and Lavender will be Jealous since Ron will find out and He'll pay no attention to her."Ginny said. "If he does like me it doesn't mean That we'll end up dating"Hermione Said. "That's what I said when Harry didn't like me" Ginny said. "That's you and Harry,You were made for each other."Hermione Said, "And you And Malfoy are Made for each other,My love senses are tingling"Ginny whispered.Hermione rolled her eyes At her best friend.

Draco and His gang were going to the Quidditch pitch for their tryouts.They headed down to the pitch and went into their Quidditch clothes.They waited about 10 minutes for Everyone Who was trying out to come.Then The Gryffindors Came in their Quidditch clothes and Hermione was up in the stands. "What're you doing here Malfoy"Ron snapped at them. "I'm Doing Tryouts for my team"Draco snapped. "We're having tryouts"Harry said. "You had tryouts this morning,It's our turn"Blaise snapped. "We didn't agree on that"Ginny snapped. "We don't need you to agree on it"Astoria Said.They Glared At Each other for a minute. "We were here first"Draco snapped. "We don't care,We planned it"Ron snapped.

Hermione watched as they argued.Lavender was rambling on about Her and Ron but Hermione Didn't care.She went down to the pitch and to the Gryffindors.She went to Harry since Ron and Ginny were yelling at The Slytherins. "What's happening"Hermione Asked. "We're having our tryouts and The Slytherins want to have theirs"Harry said. "We'll duel for the pitch then!"Ron Yelled. "Deal!"Theo Yelled. "3 for each team!"Ginny said.The Slytherins picked 3 and The Gryffindors picked 3. "Blaise,Theo And Draco"Pansy Said. "Harry,Ron,And Me"Ginny said. "Pick your first"Ron snapped. "Draco"Pansy snapped back. "Harry"Ron said.Hermione dragged Ginny to the back. "Why do you have to duel,Someone could get hurt"Hermione snapped. "Because we need to tryout"Ginny said.She rolled her eyes at Ginny before looking at The front.Harry and Draco were in their Dueling forms. "Harry might get hurt"Hermione Said to Ginny. "He'll be fine"Ginny said. "Engorgio Skullus"Harry shot (Engorgio Skullus,Swells the head) but Draco dodged it. "Anteoculatia"Draco shot (Anteoculatia Causes the victim to sprout antlers or horns) And Harry Blocked It.It went like that for about 5 minutes before Draco got the upper hand. "Who's next"Astoria snapped. "There's no point to this"Hermione muttered. "There is a point to this!"Harry Said. "The winner gets the field!"Blaise Said. "Ya but you guys are wasting your time. You could just split the field in half,And both of you can have Your tryouts but instead you're dueling"Hermione Said.There was a silent of stupidness. "You couldn't have mentioned this sooner?"Ginny Asked. "You were down to duel"Hermione Said.

After They agreed,Hermione went in the middle of the field and put up a charm to separate the field in half. "There,If anyone try to go to the other side they'll be knocked of the barrier" Hermione Said. "What if they shoot a Bludger At us"Ron Asked. "It'll bounce off and hit the one who shot it"Hermione Answered.She sat against the wall that held the stands and Watched them.They Glared at each other for a bet. "If Hermione hadn't stepped in,I would've hexed you"Ron snapped at Draco. "You could still hex me but you'll regret it deeply"Draco snapped and towered over Ron.Ron stepped back,A bit afraid.They went to opposite sides of the field and started their tryouts.Ginny Came to Hermione after she had organized them.The seekers were trying out now. "So"Ginny said. "So?"Hermione repeated. "What're you doing tomorrow,You won't have anyone with you"Ginny said. "I'll go to the Library,It's fine"Hermione Said. "Are you sure you'll be fine"Ginny Asked. "I'm sure"Hermione answered.Ginny nodded And went back to the Gryffindors.

Draco watched as the chasers raced around their half of the field.He turned to look to see what the Gryffindors were doing when he saw Ginny walking towards Hermione.He stared for a bit before Blaise tapped him on the shoulder. "You're staring"He smirked.Draco scowled at him before telling him to do another lap.After about 10 minuets Draco had picked his chasers and his Keeper.Pansy,Astoria And Blaise were the Chasers And Theo was the keeper.Draco himself was The seeker.The beaters were now trying out.Most of them tried to hit the Gryffindors and Hurt them selfs.The only 2 that didn't Were Crabbe And Goyal Since Draco had threatened them. "The teams made up"Draco Told Theo And Blaise. "We're on the team right?"Theo Asked."Yup"Draco answered.After They all finished Draco announced the team. "Half Of You were terrible,I could make the team on the spot and that's what I did"Draco said. "The Seeker is me,The Chasers Are Pansy,Astoria And Blaise,The Keeper is Theo And The beaters are Crabbe and Goyal"He said.The one's that didn't make it walked off the pitch.Draco looked at the Stands and saw Tracey And Daphne.They got off the stands and down to the Slytherins.Draco sat on the Grass and The rest did the same.The Gryffindors were almost done.

 "Alright,You'll find out if you're on the team tomorrow night"Ginny said.Harry and Ron stayed behind with her and then went to Hermione. "Did you watch us practice"Harry Asked "not really, I got bored after ten minutes"Hermione shrugged. "We're gonna go change,Are you staying here?"Ginny Asked.Hermione Nodded And They Left.She Looked around the field and saw the Slytherins watching as Harry,Ron and Ginny left the pitch.Then Hermione saw Lavender chasing after them.She rolled her eyes at how stupid Lavender looked.She twirled her wand in between  her fingers for a bit when She Heard footsteps approaching her.She looked up and saw Harry and Ginny. "Where's Ron"Hermione Asked. "He left with Lavender"Ginny said. "So how was practice"Hermione Asked "Great,I already know who's going to be on the team"Ginny said. "Harry's Seeker,Ron's Keeper,Me,Dean And Demelza Robins As Chasers.For Beaters, Jimmy Peakes and Ritchie Coote."Ginny said. "Weren't They The one's that played in 6th year?" Hermione Asked. "Ya,But they've gotten better."Harry Said. "Way better"Ginny added. "That's good."Hermione Said. "Ya,I think We'll win the cup for the 3rd year in a row"Harry Said

Draco Watched as Harry and Ginny got close to where Hermione was sitting.Even though he knew that Harry was Dating Ginny,He still got a bit mad when He got near her.He got up after a few seconds and walked off the field and his group followed him.He walked to the dungeons without saying a word to anyone.Tracey And Daphne asked a few questions but shut up after Blaise And Theo Glared At Them.Draco Said the password and walked to his dorm.Blaise And Theo were going to Follow but Pansy Stopped them. "Give him some space,You guys are sticking to him like glue" She Said.Blaise And Theo sat down for a bit before sneaking up to the dorm when Pansy was busy talking to Astoria.

Hermione saw the Slytherins leaving the pitch. "What time is it"Hermione Asked Harry. "About 5"Harry Said. "Why don't we go to the lake"Hermione Asked. "We have an hour,why not"Ginny  shrugged.They first went to their dorms to get a few things like a few Blankets,Some food and Drinks,And A book for Hermione.They went back to the field since Harry forgot to Get his Broom. After they put that in Harry's dorm,They headed for the lake.

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