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After they exited the bathroom they went back to the living room. "Since there's no classes tomorrow we can stay up"Draco Said. "You can,I'm going to bed"Hermione Said. "You're so boring"Draco rolled his eyes.Hermione rolled her eyes too before going to her room.Draco sat there for about 10 minutes before going to Hermione's room to see if she was still awake.The door was opened so he invited himself in and sat down on her bed. "Just a few more weeks till She'll fall in love with me"Draco smirked to himself. "What're you doing here"Hermione snapped at him a few minutes later after she came out of the bathroom.Draco sat up and was slightly surprised by what he saw.The little Granger was wearing light grey shorts That ended mid thigh,a loose white tank top and her hair in a loose bun. "Get out"Hermione snapped. "Why"Draco Asked. "Because I need to sleep"She Said. "Only if you help me with one thing"Draco said. "What's that"She Asked. "The thing over the fireplace,What is it?"He asked.Hermione started laughing at him immediately.Draco grabbed her arm and took her down the stairs.He pointed at the TV and demanded answers.Hermione sat on the couch and grabbed the controller.Draco sat down beside her and pulled her to him. "I know what a Tv is Granger" Draco Said. "I just needed an excuse for you to come down"He smirked. "I was gonna come down either way"Hermione Said And Got out of his grasp.She walked to the kitchen and Draco followed.She got a cup and filled it with water. "Why don't you love me"Draco Asked as he wrapped his arms around her from behind and resting his chin on her shoulder. "Why do you love me?"Hermione Asked. "You want to know"He Asked. "Well ya"Hermione laughed silently. "I fell in love with you in 3rd year,after you punched me"He said. "Why?"She Asked. "Because, Before You were a silently scared really annoying girl,then You showed that you were strong,not a little baby that needed protection from 2 Of her best friends"Draco Said. "From then on,you were marked mine"He added. "Marked yours?"Hermione Repeated. "Didn't you ever wonder why cormac went crazy after he started 'dating' you"Draco asked. "What did you do?"She Asked. "Nothing,Just hex the insanity out of him"He said. "You did that for me?"Hermione Asked. "Who else would I do that for?"Draco Asked. "Thank you Then,Cormac needed to calm down a bit"She Said.Draco kissed her cheek and unwrapped his arms from her.Hermione put her cup down and leaned on the counter. "Now what?"Hermione Asked. "We can eat"Draco said and opened the fridge. "We can make a fruit salad"She suggested as she looked in the fridge with him. "Ok"He agreed and they both took out some fruits from the fridge along with some off the counter.Draco got 2 knives and they began.She made her fruit salad and he made his.They went to the living room and sat down on the couch.

They talked for a bit before they heard Godric Gryffindor speak from his Portrait. "There is a red head girl wanting to come in"He said. "A Gryffindor"He added. "It's probably Ginny"Hermione Said And got up as she put her bowl on the table.She opened the Portrait and indeed it was Ginny. "Hello"Ginny said happily. "Did I wake you up?"Ginny Asked. "No,Come in"Hermione shook her head.She Came in And went wide eyed. "You live here?"She Asked. "Just temporary" Hermione Said. "This is amazing"Ginny said. "Where's Malfoy?"She whispered. "In the living room"Hermione Said.  "Did I interrupt something"Ginny Asked. "No,don't worry about it" Hermione said. "There are 4 boys outside"Salazar Slytherin said. "Who is it?"Draco Asked from the living room. "Come look"Hermione Said. "What houses are They in?"Draco Asked as he walked up to them. "2 Gryffindors And 2 Slytherins"Godric Said. "Are they fighting?"Ginny Asked "Yes"Rowena said. "I have an idea who it might be"Hermione Said as she Opened the Portrait.It was Ron,Harry,Blaise And Theo.Ron was shouting at the Slytherins and Harry was preventing Ron from jumping on them. "What are you fighting about this time?"Hermione groaned as she face palmed. "They said-"Ron was saying till he turned to Hermione. "You're dressed like that with Malfoy!"Ron Yelled. "Zabini,Nott,Malfoy is inside,You can go see him"Hermione Said to the Slytherins.She let them in and Her and Ginny Came out before closing the Portrait behind her. "What's your problem"Hermione snapped at Ron. "You are dressed like that with Malfoy alone!" Ron snapped. "He could do anything to you"He added. "Malfoy has been better at being polite then you are!"Hermione yellled At him. "Malfoy's not polite Hermione"Harry Said. "He can when he want's to be"She Defended him. "Why are you even here? To lecture me on how to protect myself? This whole time I've Been protecting the 3 of us!"Hermione shouted at Ron. "I was here to apologize"Ron muttered. "You couldn't have done that during class? During the breaks? And by the way you aren't doing much of that!"She snapped. "I'll apologize tomorrow then!"Ron snapped and stormed off. "I knew something like this was going to happen"Ginny shook her head. "Can you guys come tomorrow please"Hermione Asked Harry and Ginny. "Sure"Harry smiled at her.

He and Ginny left after a short Good night and Hermione returned to the living room.She saw the 3 Slytherins sitting on the couch. "Do you boys want some tea?"Hermione Asked. "Sure"Blaise Nodded.Hermione went to the kitchen and filled up the kettle with water before putting it on the stove. "He just had to come"Hermione muttered.Draco stood up and followed her into the kitchen. "What's wrong"Draco Asked. "What isn't wrong?"Hermione Asked. "He always has to come at the worst moments"Hermione Said. "I could hex him?"Draco suggested. "You'll lose your spot as head boy"She shook her head with a smile. "Go ask your friends if they want some biscuits"She Said.Draco nodded and went. "Do you guys want biscuits?"Draco Asked. "Sure" Theo Said "is there chocolate?"He added.Draco rolled his eyes at Theo's childish behaviour. "They want some,And If There's chocolate biscuits they want it too"Draco Said and Hermione nodded.Draco sat down with them and they started talking. "It feel's Like I'm in your house as you and Granger are married"Blaise whispered. "You're just seeing the future"Draco smirked. basically a second later a biscuit hit his head and he turned to see Hermione. "You're a lunatic" Hermione Said.She put down the biscuits and turned to leave. "Are you sure you didn't poison them?"Blaise Asked. "I can't answer that"Hermione Said And re-entered the kitchen. "I'm suddenly not that hungry"Theo Said. "She wouldn't poison them"Draco shook her head. "Don't be So sure"Hermione Called from the kitchen. "So,you told her?"Blaise changed the subject. "yesterday"Draco nodded. "Did She Get used to you being with her?"Theo Asked. "Yea,we were just eating Fruit salads before you guys interrupted"Draco Glared at them. "We Came Because we need a hair from her for the potion"Blaise whispered. "Oh ya"Draco said and pulled out a small plastic bag that had a strand of hair on it. "Now go"He snapped after he gave them the bag.He went to the kitchen and saw Hermione preparing the tea.He wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and took in her scent.Surprisingly,Hermione felt comfortable in his arms. "Blaise And Theo left"He said, "Did they get scared of the biscuits?"She Asked. "That and I told them to leave so I can be with you"He said. "You're desperate aren't you?"She laughed.Draco let go of her and Took the kettle from her.He poured it into a glass cup and put it in the fridge.He took her hand in his and took her to the living room.He sat on the couch and sat her beside him. He gave her her fruit bowl and he took his.They ate like that in silence till they finished eating.

"I win"Hermione Said And sat her bowl on the table. "Win what?"Draco asked. "I finished eating first"She Said. "Who said that?"Draco Asked and pointed at his empty bowl that was there before hers. "It wasn't even a race"She rolled her eyes "Just because you didn't win"He laughed. She threw a pillow at him and got up. "I'm going to bed"Hermione Said. "You said that an hour ago"He said. "This time is for real"She Said And started to go. "Not yet"Draco Said And pulled her back to the couch. "What do you want"Hermione snapped. "I want to sleep,We have a busy day tomorrow"She Said. "It's only 10"He said. "Doesn't matter"She rolled her eyes no tried getting up just to be pulled down again. "If you let me sleep,I'll wake up early and be able to spend more time together"Hermione Said. "Fine"Draco rolled his eyes.They both got up and went up their own staircase.

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