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They finished eating and went to Hermione and Draco's dorm. "Do you guys want to play a game of Truth or Dare?"Ginny Asked as they sat down and they all nodded. "I want to go first"Blaise Said. "Potter,Truth or Dare"Blaise Asked. "Dare"Harry said. "I dare you to kiss Hermione"Blaise Said And Smirked At Draco who Glared At him.Harry kissed Hermione on the cheek and shrugged. "Easy"He said. "Parkinson,Truth or Dare"Harry Asked. "Truth"Pansy answered. "How long have you liked Zabini?"He asked. "About a year now"Pansy Said. "Draco,Truth or Dare"She Smirked At Her friend. "Truth"Draco Said. "When did you start liking Hermione?"She Asked. "3rd year"He answered. "3rd Year!"All Of them Yelled expect Draco, Hermione, Blaise, And Theo. "Hermione,How long have you liked him"Ron Asked. "I liked him through out 3rd year but hated him for the rest till this year"Hermione Said,a small blush on her face. "When did you like her Draco"Astoria asked. "When She punched me"He said. "I stopped liking him after I punched him"Hermione Said. "Wow"Theo Said. "Okay back to the game"Ginny said. "Ok,Truth or dare" Draco Said,Gesturing to Ginny. "Dare"Ginny said. "I dare you to tell us that Slytherin is better then Gryffindor"Draco Said. "Over my dead body"Ginny scoffed. "Okay then,bring the whiskey" Draco Said. "We are not getting whiskey"Hermione Said. "We have class tomorrow and you guys might as well drink all day"She snapped. "Fine,She'll have to divorce Potter"Draco Said. "Harry, We're over.Will You Marry me"Ginny Asked. "Sure"Harry said.Draco rolled his eyes. "It's boring with out whiskey"Draco Said. "Well boring it will be because you guys aren't drinking" Hermione Snapped. "You sound like McGonagall"Ron Said. "McGonagall I shall be,you still Aren't Drinking" She snapped.

They played for another hour or so before Salazar spoke. "The headmaster is here"He said. "Clean up!"Hermione snapped at them and they quickly cleaned the room. "Let him in"Draco Said.The Portrait swung open and Dumbledore Came in. "As much as I'm glad to see you all socializing and smiling,I'll need you all to leave,I need a word with Ms.Granger And Mr.Malfoy"He said,smiling at them.They glanced at each other before the rest nodded and left.When the portrait closed,Dumbledore sat down at the armchair. "I believe you've found a place to go to summer?"He asked and they nodded. "You'll be living together I suppose"He said and they nodded once more. "Since you've proved that you're responsible and trustworthy,I am going to allow you to chose next years Prefects And decide where the students with babies will go"He explained.They Nodded. "Er,... Professor?"Hermione Said. "May we go next weekend to see our living space?"She Asked.Dumbledore Smiled. "Come to my office Saturday Afternoon At 4 And I'll make some arrangements"He said. "Any questions?"He asked and they shook their heads. "At the end of August,you will have to return a week early to get everything set up.I have already made it that me,the headmaster,and you,the heads,can apparate in and out of Hogwarts.But for you,you have a time limit.From 5 in the morning to 11 in the afternoon.It will not work during the summer though"He added.They Nodded. "If you don't mind,I'll be sending you the list of Pregnant students and their delivery dates for you to start looking for new dorms for them" Dumbledore said and stood up. "Good day"He said and walked out.They sat there for a bit in silence. "So about the house..."Draco spoke first. "You're actually willing to stay with me?"He asked. "Of course I am Draco! I won't just leave alone"Hermione  snapped. "I love you and I'm gonna stick to your side wither you like it or not"She Said And kissed his cheek. "So back to the house"Draco Said. "I'm pretty sure it's furnitures and all but it doesn't have any food or water in it.Last time I was there I was about 10"He said. "So we'll need to clean up"She Said. "No,the house magically cleans it's self"He shook his head. "So we just have to Add a few necessities and we'll be good to go."Hermione Said And he nodded.

They left the dorm and Saw all of them waiting. "You still have to show us the dorms"Pansy and Astoria Said. "Oh ya"Hermione Said.She led the way and a minute later they we're infront of a wall. "I need you guys to leave"Hermione Said to Ron,Harry,and Ginny. "You're Not allowed to know"She Said.They nodded and went back to the portrait of the four founders.Hermione knocked on the door 3 times and said "Quidditch".She backed away and the wall opened to reveal a staircase.They climbed the stairs and Walked in a small commen room that looked like Harry's but was all green and black.Every thing was the same but there was double amount of toys and beds. "This is The Zabini dorm"Draco said. "Astoira,Theo,We'll Take you to your dorm now."Hermione Said And Left them out of the room. "Yours is basically the same but instead of knocking it's kicking"She Said And went to the wall across them.She kicked the wall softly 3 times and said "Quidditch".It was exactly the same as the Zabini's.

After that they left and went back to the main dorm. "Can we go get food?"Ron Asked. "You had breakfast 2 hours ago"Hermione Said. "Exactly!"He Said. "We'll eat in here"Hermione Said with a roll of her eyes and entered the dorm.The rest went to the dining room while Hermione and Draco went down to the kitchens to get food.The house elf's rushed to them. "Can we get some food please"Hermione Asked. "What would Miss Like?"Asked one. "A few Cheese cakes"Draco said. "And a few sandwiches too please"Hermione Added.They Nodded And rushed off,coming back with 25 sandwiches and 30 cheese cakes. "Can you get them into the head dorm?"Draco Asked And They Nodded.Hermione And Draco rushed out,knowing that their friends might as well eat all of the food they just got.

they entered and their friends were already eating. "Wow"Hermione Said and crossed her arms. "Couldn't wait could ya?"She Asked And they shook their heads.Her And Draco Sat down and started eating. "Did you guys get anything to drink?"Ron Asked. "You know where the kitchen is,tickle the pear"Hermione snapped and continued eating.After a bit 20 juice bottles appeared. "There"Ron said and opened his and started drinking. "Use your manners!"Hermione and Ginny Snapped.Ron rolled his eyes and put the bottle down. "Heads"Came the voice of Godric Gryffindor. "Yes"Hermione replied. "Lavender Brown wants to enter"He said. "Let her in"She Said. "Ron,go help her"She Added.Ron got up and went to help his pregnant girlfriend.A few seconds later,Lavender Came in And sat down. "Morning"She Said with a small smile.She ate a bit then stopped. "I'm full"She Said.They all talked for awhile before cleaning everything.After a bit,everyone left.

 Draco and Hermione sat down just to get up Again to get a letter that had been sent from dumbledore. 


I would like to inform you that you are allowed to go to see Your house Friday after noon and stay the night there.Harry and Mr.Weasley have told me that they will be leaving near you so I'm allowing them to go along.Friday afternoon at 9,meet me in Your dorm and I'll apparate you There.Good day,


Albus Dumbledore

They wrote a quick answer and sent it off. "Should we tell Harry and Ron"Hermione Asked. "Dumbledore probably sent them a letter"he said and she nodded.They sat down and talked a bit before they both fell asleep.

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