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They ate another small meal before going to sleep again.It Just wasn't their day today.They slept for at least 3 hours before waking up,getting all the rest they need. "How are we going to focus in class?"Hermione Asked as she shook her head. "Just don't attend"Draco shrugged. "You can't be serious"She Said. "Of course I'm not,How else will I get better grades then you"He said.She rolled her eyes at him as she stood up.Draco went to his room to get ready for the day and Hermione entered the bathroom.She Brushed her teeth and Straightened her hair.She got into A Red long sleeved with black leggings and made her bed.She grabbed her bag and Put her wand in her pocket.She went down stairs and headed to the Great hall after leaving a short letter for Draco.She entered and went to the Gryffindor table.She sat infront of Ginny and Harry then saw Lavender glaring at her. "Ron blew up at her and said he's still in love with you,but didn)t break up with her"Harry explained. "She didn't break up with him either"Ginny Added. "So she's mad at me for Ron liking me?"Hermione Asked. "Basically"Ginny said. "So,did Malfoy annoy you or something?"Harry changed the subject when he saw Draco enter. "No,not at all"Hermione Said. "Are you sure?"He asked. "I'm sure Harry"She Said.Harry gave her a suspicious look then Glared at Draco. "Did you guys do anything?"Harry Asked. "No,why would you say that?"Hermione asked. "Malfoy's smirking at us"He said. "He's just a git Harry,Don't pay attention to him"She Said And started putting food on her plate after sending Draco a glare.

Draco finished getting dressed and went down stairs to find a letter on the table.


I'm going down to the great hall,If we go together,They'll suspect something.

He rolled his eyes,of course she'd say that.He went down to the Great hall and ran into Ron trying to fight half of his gang (crabbe,Goyal,Tracey,And Daphne). "Hey"Draco snapped.Ron Turned to Glared At him and his group looked at him. "He called you and Granger a couple!" Tracey Said. "we're not"Draco Said. "Then why do you guys share a dorm?"Ron snapped. "We're heads!"He snapped. "So you aren't dating"Daphne Asked.  "Don't be ridiculous"Draco rolled his eyes and walked past them.He entered the Great hall and his eyes trailed the Gryffindor table.He saw Hermione and went to sit at his table.He saw Harry glare at him which told him that he was talking about him.He smirked back at Harry which made Harry look at Hermione. "He's just git Harry"He heard Hermione say before glaring at him.He looked away and saw his group enter. "So what happened?"Blaise Asked, "What do you mean?"Draco Asked, "what happened yesterday"Theo Said. "Nothing"Draco shrugged but then said. "Except that we almost kissed"He added. "So when are you gonna ask her out?"Astoria Asked. "Christmas"He shrugged. "What!?" Astoria,Pansy,Theo And Blaise Yelled,Getting stares from other students. "That's too far!"Pansy snapped quietly. "Someone might swoop in and take her"Blaise agreed. "We don't want you to end up in Azkaban"Astoria Said. "How'll I end up in Azkaban?"Draco Asked. "We know you,If she starts dating someone else,You won't be happy"Theo Said. "Then you'll go and shoot hex's at them"Blaise Said. "I won't do that"Draco rolled his eyes. "That's what you said before you hexed McLaggen in 6th year"Theo Said. "Wait so how long have you liked her?"Astoira Asked. "Long enough"Blaise Said,Not wanting either her or Pansy knowing that he Liked Hermione while he was dating them. "Exactly"Draco Said.They started piling food on their plates and ate.After they all ate,The Slytherins (Draco,Blaise,Theo,Astoria,Pansy,Crabbe,Goyal,Tracey And Daphne)Left for Herbology, right after the Gryffindors (Hermione,Harry,Ginny,Ron,Lavender,Dean,Neville, Luna and Seamus).

"They're following us"Lavender Said,clearly scared. "They have the same class as us"Hermione Said with a roll of her eyes. "How would you know"Ron snapped.Hermione and Ginny gave him a side Glare and kept walking. "Enough of him"Ginny said before a Smile Came across her face. "Did something happen between you and Malfoy?"She Asked. "No"Hermione Said And Looked away slightly,Remembering that they had almost kissed. "What happened?"Ginny Asked with a small smirk. "Just something small"Hermione Said And Looked begins them,The rest were out of hearing distance. "We almost kissed"She whispered so low Ginny had her say it twice. "That's not small!"Ginny squealing quietly. "You almost kissed,that means it's going to actually happen soon!" She Said. "It won't happen Ginny"Hermione rolled her eyes. "They're going to hex us" Lavender Said,And the Slytherins Heard. "They won't Hex us,As long as Hermione's dating Malfoy"Ron sneered.Hermione stopped Where She was And turned to him. "Even if I was dating him,it's none of your business.You have a Girlfriend,Not one of the bests,but you still have one. So keep your mind on her and not me"She snapped at him and walked to Herbology quicker so that she'd be alone.

Harry let Ginny yell at Ron while he followed Hermione. "Hermione"He called and tried to keep up with her. "Ron's just being a git"He said. "I'm gonna get my revenge,Blaming me for his mistakes,and all."Hermione Said. "What do you mean revenge?"Harry Asked. "He keeps accusing me of Dating Malfoy,then that's what he's gonna get"She Said.It took awhile for Harry to understand. "You're willing to date Malfoy as Revenge on Ron?"He asked. "Malfoy's not that Bad Harry"Hermione Said. "He's the one who comforts me when Ron gets to me"She Said. "He does a better job then Ginny,and Ginny's the best of all"She Added. "You mean Malfoy's nice?" Harry Asked. "There's a lot you need to know Harry,A lot"Hermione Said. "If you have time,You and Ginny can come to my dorm tonight and I'll tell you everything"She Said. "Of course I have time for you Hermione"Harry Said. "You're like a sister to me"He said. "We would've been Siblings in law if Ron hadn't messed things up"Hermione laughed silently. "Come on,don't be mad.We have class,Get excited"Harry Said.They gave each other a side hug before Continuing to Herbology.

"Can you leave Hermione alone"Ginny yelled at him,Which made everyone There jump at the sudden change. "Who care's If you're jealous that her and Malfoy share a dorm,They're heads!" She snapped. "She's not even Dating Malfoy And I know he'd make a better Boyfriend to her then you would!"Ginny yelled at Ron. "Every time She's calm and Happy,You come out of no where and start accusing her of every little thing you did"She Said. "Just for a day,One day that's all" She Said And walked After Harry and Hermione.Ron Glared at The Slytherins behind him. "This is all your fault Malfoy!"Ron snapped. "First You accuse Granger now him?"Pansy Asked. "He's just jealous that Granger spends more time with Draco then with him,Isn't that's right Weaselbee you're jealous?"Blaise taunted.Ron pulled out his wand,Ready to fire when Snape Came. "Detention Weasley"Snape snapped. "I'll get you Malfoy,Mark my words"Ron snapped once Snape was gone and stormed off.

The day went by so slow for Hermione,Ron kept showing up which annoyed her.At the end of the day,Hermione took Harry and Ginny to the head dorm with her.They entered the room and saw the Slytherins. "What ever mess you make you clean,Understood"Hermione Said to them. "Yes, ma'am"They Said Before laughing.When they entered Hermione's room,Ginny and her sat in the bed and Harry sat on a arm chair. "Harry,Remember the day we Came Back to Hogwarts"She started,And Harry nodded. "When I went to get the password from McGonagall,I saw Malfoy there.He apologized to me when I was leaving,that's why I took long"She Said. "We sorta became Friends on Sunday when you guys were at Hogsmead.After We became heads,our friendship Came closer.He looked after me yesterday after what Ron did,he stayed with me the whole day till I was better.He hadn't said anything that might hurt me at all.He's been better then Ron these past 2 weeks."She Said. "He's trying to change Harry,He's even being kind to me" Ginny said. "So He's being the nice one now?"Harry Asked. "Basically"Hermione Said. "But you can't tell Rom Anything at all,He'll just make it worse"Ginny said. "I won't but are you sure you're safe here,he can hurt you"Harry Said. "He won't hurt me Harry,He's a nice guy"Hermione Said. "Now we just need you to get along with the Slytherins"Ginny said and They got up. "What?" Harry Asked. "You need to get along with them"Hermione Said. "Only now,But during Quidditch, you can fight again"She Added.Harry groaned as they pushed him out of the room. "Who wants Ice cream?"Hermione Asked as Her And Ginny pulled Harry stairs. "All Of is of course."Theo Said. "Girls we need to talk"Ginny said and Took Astoria And Pansy to the kitchen with them,Leaving Harry alone with the guys. "You can tell Hermione I'm leaving"Harry Said and stood up to leave. "Harry you are staying here to get along with them,I don't care how awkward it will be" Hermione snapped from the kitchen. "I'll be leaving then."Draco Said And got up to leave as well. "Draco Malfoy,You better sit your arse down and talk to them."Hermione snapped at him from the kitchen. "That goes for Blaise And Theo too"Pansy agreed.They Made The ice creams and ate silently,well the boys did.The Girls tried to get them to talk,but didn't work.

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