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Hermione was about to shot a spell when someone from behind her did it.They were both surprised about what they were seeing.Pansy,Ginny,Blaise, Harry,Astoira,Luna, Theo,Ron, Dean, Seamus,Neville,Crabbe, Goyal,Tracey,Daphne and every Who was in dumbledore's army were all there. "Stupids"Draco muttered. "You really think we're gonna stay behind"Ginny Asked with a smirk.They all started firing curses and hex's at the death eaters as they fought back.They fought like they never did before. "All Of You down to the Great hall"Shouted a voice known to Lupin. They rushed down and saw the professors. "Seems Like none of you listened to the heads instructions"McGonagall Said. "Please Professor,This is a War.We should all fight back for our home"Harry Said. "The more the better I guess"Slughorn said. "Ms.Granger,Mr.Malfoy,Go to my office and get all the portkeys you can get"He said.They went and the large door slammed behind them. "Don't you feel like something's odd about them"Draco said. "They're voices are different"He said. Then they heard a wicked laugh. "Those Two you call Head's are unbelievably stupid"Said a voice. "That's not our professors"Hermione Said. "We just lead our friends into great danger"She Said. "We'll get the portkeys and come back"Draco said and grabbed her arm. "It'll be too late!"She Said And Took her arm from him. "I'll go in and you get the portkeys" Hermione Said. "Be careful Hermione,I'll be back soon"Draco Said and ran to dumbledore's office.Hermione blasted the door down with a single spell.Instead of lupin,McGonagall and Slughorn they saw death eaters and one of the snatchers that had captured them during the War.All the students had been tied up and against The wall. "Look It here, little Granger's Back" The snatcher sneered. "What do you want"She snapped her wand pointing at them. "We came to bring back our lord,He was killed in this room"A death eater said. "Hand his body over and we won't kill Them"Another death eater said and pointed their wand at Ginny. "We don't have his body"Hermione Said. "What pathetic lie"He said.Hermione blasted a curse at him unexpectedly but he managed to dodge it.He raised his wand to shoot a curse when one Came his way and shot him back. Draco had come back with 3 portkeys.They both raised their wands at him ready to fire at any moment.Then they heard clapping and turned to Dumbledore behind them.The two looked at each other in confusion before looking back at Dumbledore. "You Passed The test"He said. "Test"Draco repeated with a raised eyebrow. "Lupin take off the mask" Dumbledore Said. They both turned and saw the death eater they were just fighting take off their mask to reveal Lupin.The other death eater did the same to reveal McGonagall and the snatcher transformed into Slughorn. "What's going on?" Hermione Asked. "You just went through one of the scariest tests ever made at Hogwarts" McGonagall Said. "Every 7 years we do one"Dumbledore Said. "All the students were in on it as well"Slughorn Said. "How did you get so much people to act like death eaters?" Draco Asked. "It was all an illusion" Lupin Said. "I'm gonna have some deep trouble trusting you guys now"Hermione Said And lowered her wand. "You'll grow out of it"Ginny said. "We have a meeting to Hogsmead to do" McGonagall Said And Took The two out of The hall. "I feel so stupid"Hermione Said. "How could we fall for something like that"Draco agreed. "You're the only one's that reacted normally"McGonagall Said. "Every other head had freaked out,One even tried to use the portkey to leave"She Added.They walked to the office and sat down. "You have 3 hours at Hogsmead"McGonagall Said. "I'll also let you go to where you two disappear to on Sunday's"She Said. "You've noticed?"Hermione Asked. "Everyone has,I hope you two are making good choices" She Said with a raised eyebrow. "We just go to a lake professor"Draco said. "The only lake I know is the black lake"McGonagall said. "We found one in 6th year,No one knows about it"Hermione Said. "You just sit at the lake?" She Asked. "Basically,We take food and everything we might need and spend the day there"Draco Said.They Heard Her sigh softly in relief. "I'm glad that's it" She Said. "We're not happy about it but it's commen to find the head girl pregnant.It's happened about 20 times during my time here at Hogwarts"She Said.She told them what they need to get from Hogsmead and sent them off to their dorm,Cause she told them they would be going with the rest of the students. "I feel so stupid" Hermione Said. "We both fell for it"Draco said. "Not that"She Said. "McGonagall Said everyone has noticed our absence"She Said. "I'm just confused on why dumbledore didn't confront us"She told him. "Why hasn't any teacher confronted us about it?"He asked.They both tried to think of an answer but got nothing.They entered the dorm and sat down on the couch.A second later, "You two have more then 10 guests outside"Rowena said. "They're all glaring at each other" Helena said. "Gryffindors And Slytherins"Godric And Salazar said. "They're back?"Hermione Asked And They Nodded. "Open The Portrait for them"Draco Said "And swear at the Gryffindors for me"He said to Salazar who smirked. Hermione elbowed Draco in the ribs when the Founders had turned around. "Ow"He said.The Gryffindors came in before the Slytherins And Glared At Draco. "If only I had my bat" Ginny muttered. "It's a Christmas gift"Draco smirked. Hermione hit Draco in the back of the head with her hand. "That's your Christmas gift" She Said. "Rude"He muttered. She just thought of the easiest way to get him to shut up and hit him in the head with a pillow. "How rude of me"Hermione said sarcastically. "Don't talk to Drakie like that Mudblood" Tracey snapped. "Watch it"All the Gryffindors snapped at her. "I can talk how ever I want to Malfoy"Hermione Said. "Talk to him like that again and see what happens"She snapped at Her. "Oh I'm so scared"Hermione rolled her eyes. "I'm gonna scratch your eyes out!"She Yelled and marched towards Her. "You have some stupid friends"Hermione Said to Draco. "I know right"Draco agreed. "Are you calling me stupid Drakie" Tracey stopped and her eyes started watering. "Yes And Stop calling me That"he said. "You changed him!"Tracey Yelled and jumped towards Hermione but flew back.Hermione glanced at Draco and saw him hiding his wand. "I didn't change him,he's always been like that"She Said. "Daphne take Tracey into the dining room to calm down"Pansy Said And Daphne did what she was told and left with Tracey. "Really?"Astoira said to Hermione. "You had to call us stupid" She said. "I said some"Hermione Said. "Who's some?"Theo Asked. "I got used to the four of you,and hate the other four" She Said. "She wouldn't call us stupid"Pansy Said And sat down beside Hermione.Ginny raised an eyebrow at Pansy and,with an eye roll,Pansy made space so Ginny could sit beside Her,which she did.Goyal And Crabbe Looked At Draco for instructions. "Go to the dining room and make sure that those two don't break anything"He said to them and they went to the dining room.All the Gryffindors exept Ginny were looking between Hermione and Draco.There was little space between them. "You two are Offaly close there"Luna Said. They Looked At Her in confusion before realizing what she meant. "I'll fix it"Blaise Said and made room in between them by sitting down and making them move. "You know not to make it obvious that you two are-"Blaise was Saying when both Draco and Hermione covered his mouth. "We're not you and Pansy"Hermione muttered before her and Draco removed their hands. "I was just saying you two are like-"He said and They both put their hands back on his mouth. "He's not the brightest is he?"Hermione Asked Pansy Who shook her head.Blaise removed their hands and started talking. "To have you know,I am smart"Blaise said to Pansy. "She said brightest,Not smart"Pansy Said. "Oh,then that's fine"He said. "Better Not say another word"Draco muttered to him. "Why are you guys still standing?"Hermione Asked them. "Sit down, there's plenty of seats"She Said And they sat down.Blaise had moved to sit beside Pansy,Leaving Draco and Hermione beside each other which made Ron Keep glaring at Draco and Lavender keep glaring at Hermione, knowing that Ron was jealous. "Aren't you Guys going to Hogmeads?"Astoria Asked Draco and Hermione And They Nodded. "You're still in your Pyjamas Hermione"She Said. "We have 20 minuets till we go"Hermione Said as She looked at the clock. "I'll go in 5 minuets"She Said. "You're coming to Hogsmead with us?" Dean Asked. "McGonagall Said it'll be easier"Hermione Said. "Why don't we all go change for Hogsmead and meet here?" Ginny Said.They agreed on that idea and they left. "Weasley really likes you"Draco Said, "Your point? I like you now,and he can't change it."Hermione Said.Draco smirked to himself when she turned around and went to the stairs.Draco went to his room and Hermione went to hers.Draco finished first and went to Her room to see her exiting the bathroom with her hair straightened at the top and Curled at the bottom. "You always straighten your hair"He said and flopped on to her bed. "No,no,no" Hermione Said and rushed to the bed and pulled him off it. "I just made it"She snapped at him.Draco rolled his eyes and Fixed the bed with his wand. "There"He said. "Go down stairs"Hermione Said. "In case they come"She Said. "They Can wait a second or two"Draco said. "Draco just leave"She Said in a whining tone. "Why?"He asked suspiciously. "My room,my rules"Hermione Said. "I'll be back if the Gryffindors come first"He said. "I'll be down before then"She said and pushed him out of the room.She went to her closet and looked through it. Where is it? She thought to herself. "Found it"She said happily as she opened the small red box.The small gold heart locket was still there.

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