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Hermione woke up at 8 in the morning on November The 13th.The Quidditch match was today.She went over to Ginny's bed after She was dressed in a long sleeved red  hoodie and a pair Black leggings. "Ginny wake up!"Hermione Said shaking her red headed friend. "The Quidditch match is today"She Said.Ginny woke up and smiled. "I know" she said and pulled the covers off her,Hermione laughed when she saw Ginny wearing her Quidditch robes.Ginny fixed her hair and they went down to wake up the Gryffindor team.After they were all awake they went down to the Great hall.Everyone was already there.Gryffindor, Ravenclaw And Hufflepuff cheered when they saw the team enter.Hermione glanced at the Slytherins,They were all ready.Draco winked at her when he caught her gaze.Today was the day.When the half hour was over everyone was already at the stadium.Hermione was the first of the Gryffindors to enter the stadium.She leaned against the small wall infront of her.Neville Came and stood beside her. "Excited about the match?"He asked and She nodded. "The Slytherins Are gonna go down!"She Said.(If I messed up a bit here is the Gryffindor team:Harry's Seeker,Ron's Keeper,Ginny,Dean And Demelza Robins As Chasers.For Beaters, Jimmy Peakes and Ritchie Coote.).The teams came out once the stands were full. "Here comes out the Gryffindor team!"Shouted the new speaker, Seamus.They all cheered as Madam Hooch blew her whistle and the teams flew. "The quaffle is in the hands of Ginny Weasley! Passed on to Dean Thomas but blocked by a blodger from Goyal" Seamus Said.Hermione watched around,This was gonna be great.

In 5 minuets,Gryffindor was 80-10.Harry had spotted the snitch a few time but Then Draco would fly infront of him making him lose focus.Demelza Robins almost got knocked off her broom from Blaise and Ginny almost knocked Blaise off his.50 minuets later it was 100-30,Gryffindor was in the League.Hermione cheered as Ginny scored again. "Yes!"Gryffindor shouted. "Zabini scores a point!Ginny throws the quaffle and Dean catches it only to be taken by parkinson as He passed it to Demelza". This went on for a bit The match was incredible.

The match lasted at least half an hour till They saw Harry and Draco chasing the snitch.It was 190-50.Hermione went to the spot her and Draco agreed on,some surprise since most got hit when they were there.She watched as Draco flew infront of Harry and his hand closing on the snitch,At that's moment Ginny scored. "Gryffindor shoots and scores! But Slytherin catches the snitch! It's a tie!" Seamus shouted.They all cheered.Then they turned their gaze to the Slytherin Seeker Who was flying towards the Gryffindor side.He stood on his broom as He got close to Hermione.She leaned on the wall of it when he was close enough for the kiss.He got close and Hermione leaned down to him and they kissed.Most Of Slytherin,Ravenclaw, And Hufflepuff cheered loudly.When they pulled away,Hermione saw The Quidditch teams that were previously playing gaping at them,mostly The Gryffindor team.Draco flew off as Ginny,Harry,and Ron Came flying to Her.Ginny hugged her tightly. "Oh my god!"She Squealed.Hermione went down with them to the changing rooms.Ginny made her tell them everything.Draco flew off,His team racing to him. "When did this happen!"Astoira Asked excitedly as She gaped At him. "We knew you'd give in"Blaise Smirked.They all Asked him questions that he jut walked off on. "This is going to be all over The daily Prophet Draco"Pansy said. "A few reporters were there"She Said. "A great way to tell my father don't you think?"Draco smirked.

After everything,Draco met Hermione up in their dorm.They only got a few seconds alone when the portrait flew open and all their friends Came flying in which was basically all of Slytherin,A bit of Ravenclaw And Hufflepuff And Most Of Gryffindor. "When did it happen?" "How did you get together?" "I never thought this would happen".They all talked at the same time.After at least an hour,Ginny got all of them out exept Ron,Harry,Her,Blaise,Theo,Pansy,Astoira,Dean,Seamus, Luna,Neville,Crabbe,Goyal,Tracey,And Daphne. "Now explain,slowly"Ginny said and sat next to Hermione. "Explain what?"Hermione Asked.Ginny gaped At Her And hit her with a pillow. "That kiss!"Ginny snapped. "You want your money don't you"Hermione Asked. "After you tell me what happened"The red head said. "Nothing happened"Draco Said.Ginny and Blaise face palmed. "Give is our money"Blaise Said And they stuck out their hands. "Accio"Hermione And Draco  muttered.Hermione gave Ginny her money and Draco gave Blaise his money. "Why are you giving them money?"Harry Asked, "we made a few bets"Hermione answered. "Now back to the story!"Ginny squealed. "If we pay you double,will you leave"Draco Asked. "No"Nearly everyone there Said. "What do you want me to explain?"Hermione Asked with a sigh. "Tell me How did it happen?"Ginny Asked.Hermione And Draco glanced at each other. "Nothing happened"They Said.Pansy sighed. "Did Draco kiss you or did you kiss him first"Pansy Asked. "She did"Draco Said.They were all shocked. "You were supposed to kiss first,what kind of gentleman are you!" Astoira snapped.Draco rolled his eyes. "When did you kiss?"Ginny Asked, "Halloween"Hermione answered. "Why did you kiss"Ron Asked. "You Gryffindors ask too many questions"Draco said. "So are you dating?"Tracey Asked And They Nodded.She narrowed her eyes at Hermione. "You took him from me!"Tracey Yelled. "I was never yours"Draco snapped. "Why do you like a mudblood"Daphne Asked with disgust. "Because they're better then you"Draco answered. "Get out of my dorm"Draco ordered at the two.Daphne and Tracey stormed out with a slam.  "The daily Prophet was there Hermione"Luna said. "They took a picture of you two"She Said. "Let them do it"Hermione shrugged. "I don't care".

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