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"What's wrong"Theo Asked when he and Blaise entered.They Closed the door and turned to find Draco lying down on his bed. "I'm running out of Patience fast and it hasn't even been a month" Draco groaned. "Everytime Weasel or Potter are near her,My Patience runs off"Draco Said. "It sounds like your Jealousy starts to Grow instead of your Patience running off"Blaise Said.Draco Glared at him and him and Snapped "Shut It".Blaise And Theo Rolled their eyes. "If it's bothering you that much then send her the letter"Theo Said. "Potter And Weaselette Are with her"Draco snapped. "I bet Weaselette already knows"Blaise Said. "And Potter? He'll probably think Something and come to the rescue"Draco rolled his eyes. "Draco,he'll have to deal with it once you two start dating"Theo Said. "If we start dating"Draco Corrected. "You always get what you want and Plus,Knowing you,You'll probably start dating Before I get my money"Blaise Said. Draco got up to Throw something at Blaise when He saw Hermione with Harry and Ginny through the window that They created to allow them to see the lake from above. "We're going to the lake"Draco Said.He got up with Them and left the dorm. 

"Where are you 3 going"Pansy Asked. "The lake"Blaise Said.The Slytherins followed them and they made their way to the lake quickly and arrived a few seconds before The Gryffindors. Somehow Ron,Lavender,Dean,Seamus,Luna,and Neville ended up with them.They froze there for a bit when they Saw the Slytherins. "What're you doing here"Ron snapped. "Our Commen room is near here,This lake is ours"Pansy snapped. "Get out of here"Harry ordered them. "Just because you can order around your friend group doesn't mean you can order us around"Theo snapped.They stood there glaring at Each other. "This is going to happen everytime we meet isn't it"Hermione whispered to Ginny and she nodded.

They argued for about 4 minutes before Hermione got bored of them fighting and left.Ginny looked around after a minute and didn't see Hermione. "Harry,Hermione's gone"Ginny said, Interrupting him and Draco's argument. "What,Where'd She go"Harry Asked. "We'll be back when we find her"Ron snapped and they left. "They really don't pay attention to their Friends do They"Pansy Said. 

Hermione was sitting infront of a lake she'd found in the forbidden forest.It was Surrounded by trees and it was surprisingly peaceful.The Lake was large and the sunlight shined on it.There were small Flowers around the Lake that made it Beautiful.Hermione sat there staring at the beautiful view.She'd Put a shield around the Place so no creatures could get in.She got up and took off her shoes and socks before rolling up her pants to her thighs.She placed her legs in the water and Sat on the edge of the grass.The water was a bit cold but it didn't bother Her.She grabbed her White floral printed notebook that was beside her.She took out the floral printed pencil that Came with it and Started Drawing the scene.She was surprised when she found out that she was good at Drawing.She was in the middle of Shading in the Lake When She Heard something behind her.She turned her head and heard footsteps.She relaxed when she saw that it was only Thestrals. Hermione returned to her Drawing when she made sure no one else was there.

Draco and His gang sat at the Lake in peace when The Gryffindors Came Back 10 minuets later. "What did you do to Hermione,Where is She"Harry Asked sharply. "How would we know"Draco snapped. "You did something,She's not at Hogwarts"Ron snapped. "Why would we tell you" Blaise Asked. "So you did something!"Ron Yelled. "Ron,They clearly didn't do it"Ginny said. "I'll go look in the forest"She Said And turned to leave. "Why would She be there"Harry Asked. "That's usually where I find her after you two get on her nerves or When She's annoyed"Ginny said. "We don't get on her nerves"Ron snapped. "I'm sure you got on her nerves when she slapped you this morning"Pansy Said.Ron Glared At Her before leaving. "You check Hagrid's And I'll go to the forest"Ginny said.

"They love blaming us for things we don't do"Theo Said. "Well they're Gryffindorks,What do you expect"Draco Asked.They sat there for a bit before Draco turned to his gang. "You guys go in,I want my time alone"Draco said.Tracey,Daphne,Crabbe And Goyal left Quickly. "If we're going, Blaise And Theo Are too"Pansy Said, "that'd be better"Draco said.They Left And Draco stood up. Since The Gryffindors hadn't Came Back,That meant that they hadn't found her.He went to the forest Where Ginny said she might be.He searched around for a bit but found the lake where he used to sit in his 6th year.Then he remembered.He found Hermione here once.Draco walked towards the lake slowly and there She was.He stepped in mud and hid behind a tree.Luckily Thestrals Came by to make it look like it was them.He saw her looking around then back to her book.He slowly turned from behind the tree and leaned against it.He got a glance of her book when she put it down.The Drawing looked magnificent.He walked towards her slowly and when he was behind her,he spoke. "You're friends have been looking for you for the last 20 minuets" He said in a low voice.Hermione nearly fell into The lake.She turned around quickly to see him standing next her. 

Draco transfigured a rock into a chair and sat in it.Hermione simply didn't know what to say and neither did Draco.Just then,They both heard a stick snap.They turned quickly to see who did it. There was no one.Draco stood up and took out his wand.He pulled Hermione off the ground and Hid her behind him. "Put on you're shoes"Draco ordered her. "Incase we need to run"He said. Hermione put on her shoes and grabbed her wand.They walked forward slowly and saw that it was none other then Ginny. "Better Leave Before Harry and Ron find you here"Ginny said to Draco. "Right"Draco said.He left quickly and Ginny smirked at Hermione. "What was he doing here with you?"Ginny Asked. "I didn't invite him,He found me here"Hermione snapped.Ginny rolled her eyes and hugged Hermione. "Why'd you leave"Ginny Asked. "They kept fighting over the spot,Then I remembered this place."Hermione Said. "I don't want anyone knowing about this spot"She Added. "Then how did Malfoy know about this"Ginny Asked. "He knew about it before I did"Hermione Said. "After Harry Said he was a Death Eater,I realized that he'd been Going here a lot.So one time I followed him even though it was extremely dangerous"She Said. "Ginny I really felt bad for him"Hermione Said after a sigh. "He would try to wash Off the dark mark and I somehow I felt his pain"She explained.Ginny gave her a confused look. "Felt his pain?"Ginny repeated. "I don't know how to explain it"Hermione answered. "Maybe later"Ginny said. "Let's Just Get out of the forest"She Said and grabbed Hermione's hand.They Left the forest and went into Hogwarts.They had missed half of Dinner.

They sat down beside Harry and Ron. "Where were you"Harry Asked. "I told you She was in the forest"Ginny said. "Mind telling us where it is"Ron Said. "Nope"Hermione Said. "Why"Ron Asked. "Because,that's the only place you boys don't know about"Ginny answered. "Who knows about it?"Harry Asked. "3 people so far,Me,Ginny and Someone"Hermione said. "Who's someone"Ron asked suspiciously. "Someone"Ginny said. "Who is this someone"Harry asked. "Someone"Hermione Said. "Give us a hint"Harry said.The girls shook their heads and started eating. "Are you dating this someone"Ron asked. "Nope"Hermione answered. "Do we know this someone?"Harry Asked. "Yup"Ginny said. "That narrows it down to..."Harry drafted off. "To 10 thousand people"Hermione Said. "Is It a Guy"Ron Asked. "Would you chill out if We Said it wasn't"Ginny asked. "Ya"Ron said. "Well It is"Hermione answered.Ron rolled his eyes. "Well I'm done Eating.I'll see you guys in the commen room"Hermione Said And Left.

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