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Draco woke up to someone shaking him roughly.He turned his head and saw Hermione,wearing a Pink Lace Top Flounce Flare Vintage Sleeveless Dress with her hair softly curled.Draco raised an eye brkw at her. "Why are you dressed?"He asked.He watched as she face palmed. "We're going to see your mother Draco" Hermione muttered. "Today?"He asked,when he got an angry Yes from her he jumped up and got dressed.He finished and ran out.They had told Dumbledore a few days ago so they just apparated away.They opened their eyes and found themselves infront of a café. "I thought we were going to your manor"Hermione Said. "Me and Mother both know well that you won't be comfortable there"He said and they walked in.They saw her in the far back.Draco hugged his mother and,to Hermione's and Draco's surprise,She Hugged Hermione too.They sat beside each other while Narcissa sat across from them.She looked at both of them and smiled. "Congratulations,both of you"She Smiled. "Thank you Mother"Draco said. "I saw you two on the Daily prophet this morning"She Said. "Really?"Hermione Said. "You didn't see it?"She Asked And they shook their heads no.She asked for a copy of the Daily Prophet and showed them it.They read the head line:

     Hermione Granger,Gryffindor Princess, and Draco Malfoy,Slytherin Prince, were found Saturday morning on the 19th Of December sitting at Meloco's cafeteria.

Under it Was a picture of them sitting at the table they were at. "They've been writing about you two for the past 2 weeks or so"Narcissa Said. "I've been reading them because I'd find out what my son isn't telling me"She narrowed her eyes at Draco. "Sorry"Draco muttered. "It's nothing dear"She Said. "Now What are you doing on Christmas?"Hermione changed the subject. "I'll be going to see my sister,I believe Draco told you"Narcissa Said And Hermione Nodded. "I know we just met and all but I know you're somewhat friends with Andromeda.Would you accompany me while I go to see her"She Asked And Hermione Smiled. "We were actually going to visit her on Christmas"Hermione Said. "You can come with us"She Said.Narcissa Thanked Her. "I see Draco picked the right one to marry"Narcissa Smiled.They talked for a bit and to Draco's relief the two most important women in his wife got along well.They ate and then left a few hours later. "I'll see You two Christmas then?"She Said as she hugged them good bye.They Nodded And with one last hug,they apparated to Hogwarts. "Your Mother was really nice"Hermion Said to him. "You liked her?"He asked and She Nodded. "I have a feeling she liked you too"Draco smiled.

After they got back to their dorm,they sat on the couch and worked on a few things that  Dumbledore told them to do.They finished a few hours later and went up to sleep,well Draco did. Hermione had gone down to the library to get a few books to read.When She got back She also went to sleep.


Hermione then woke up to box's moving.She turned and saw Draco searching in her closet. "Draco?"She Said.Draco Looked At Her. "What are you doing"She Asked. "Looking for my present"Draco muttered.Hermione raised an eyebrow at him before she  burst out laughing. "You're acting like a 4 year old"She laughed.She got up and fixed his mess magically.She grabbed his hand and took him to the window.It was dark out and they could see the sun raising. "That's what your gonna see next time I see you searching my closet,Understood?" Hermione Said.He nodded and Hermione went to the Bathroom while he sat down at her desk.She Came out and saw him opening the window.There was an owl that had a letter in it's beak.Hermione recognized the owl to be Fred and George's owl.She ran and pushed Draco out of the way roughly,knocking him to the floor.She grabbed the letter and opened it.There was a list:

Things to do to Malfoy on Christmas

-Make him eat the chocolate we got him

-bully him 

-use him as a testing device

-trick him

-scare him

And the list kept going.She Hid the letter in her back pocket and grinned at Draco who was on the floor glaring at her. "What was that for?"He snapped. "I have a few plans with them"She Said and helped him up. "Who is them?"He asked. "Fred and George"She laughed when he groaned. They went down to eat breakfast before putting on their coats and going to Hogsmead.They first went to The three Broom sticks to drink butter beer but got up and went to the back of the cabin when they saw Rita Skeeter. "Here for another load of butter bear I suppose?"The guy Asked And They Nodded. "You'll have 150 barrels Friday night"He said.After that they went to buy a few more gifts. "I wonder if they have any poisonous chocolates"Hermione Said and Draco raised an eyebrow. "Why?"He asked. "I still haven't forgiven Nott and Zabini for waking me up"She Said. "The owl woke us up"Draco said. "Who's owl is it?"She Asked. "Theirs"Draco muttered and he heard her say 'exactly' when he walked off.They bought chocolates for everyone and left.

They bought a few more decorations and walked around a bit.They walked to the shrieking shack and talked. "Remember when Harry wore his invisibility cloak and threw snowballs at you"Hermione chuckled at the memory. "You reminded me!"Draco Said. "I bought a cloak and it's supposed to come today!"He said and grabbed her hand before running back to Hogwarts. They made it back to their dorm and Draco ran to the window.An owl was coming their way with a package.He took it from the owl and opened it.He held up a invisibility cloak that looked similar to Harry's. "Perfect"He smirked at it. "I'm gonna do the same thing potter did it me on Christmas,maybe pull a few pranks on Theo And Blaise"He Said.He went up to his room and hid it.He Came down and saw Hermione standing at the bottom of the staircase. "You really want to get him back don't you?"Hermione Asked. "How else will I get my revenge?"He asked. "There's a lot of ways to get revenge Draco"She said with a shake of her head. "I know,but I want to get him the same way he got me"He said as he shrugged.They sat down and started organizing the Dance.It only took a few minutes till they gave up and went for a drink of Water. "Are we gonna go with everyone after the dance"He asked. "I want to give you my gift in privet"He said. "I'm sure we can work something out"She Said. "Mr.Malfoy,Ms.Granger?"Came a voice from the living room.They walked out of the kitchen and Saw dumbledore With McGonagall And Snape standing infront of the living room. "Yes Professor?"They Said as they walked towards them. "We have some bad news"McGonagall Said. "After The Dance We'll need someone to clean up the mess.We had a few but they've fallen ill,Do you mind cleaning it"She Asked And Hermione Nodded. "No problem professor"Hermione Said. "But that means you might miss the train back"Dumbledore Said. "Can't we finish and apparate on the train?"Draco Asked. "We'll try to arrange that"Snape Said.With that the professors left. "Couldn't they have just sent a letter?" Hermione Asked. "Probably wanted to check in on us to see if we were doing anything inappropriate"Draco said with a roll of his eyes.They sat back down on the couch and continued planning. 

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