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When everyone finished carrying the babies,Daphne appeared.The first thing she did was send a glare at Hermione And held it there for a minute or two before going and holding her baby Nieces.Hermione And Draco Rolled their eyes and went to see how Pansy and Astoria were doing.They were put in the same room a few minutes ago. "Your next Hermione"Pansy Said When She Saw them enter. "I pretty sure it's gonna be Ginny"Hermione joked. "How are you guys feeling"She Asked. "Our boyfriends passed out while we were giving birth"Astoira Said. "We're Not Your boyfriends no more"Blaise And Theo Said as they answered.It was clear that Astoria And Pansy both thought that They were gonna break up but then both boys got down on one knee,pulling out a box. "Will you make us the happiest people on Earth and Marry us?"They Asked. "Come closer!"The Girls snapped and when the boys did,they kissed them.Everyone was happy. "Sorry mate"Blaise said to Draco. "I know we agreed that we'd propose together but-"He got interrupted by Draco. "Don't worry,All 3 Of us Will get married together,agreed"Draco said and they nodded.The parents soon Came into the room.They Hugged their children and sat down in the room. "Mum,Dad,I'm like you to meet Hermione,Draco's girlfriend"Astoria Said along with Pansy.The Parents Smiled At Her And She Smiled Back. "How could you like her,she stole My boyfriend!"Daphne snapped at her parents. "We don't show jealousy Daphne,and if you really liked Draco you'd be happy for him"Mrs.Greengrass snapped and her daughter fell silent.

After an hour or so,The Parents Left. "We'll be able to leave tomorrow morning"Pansy Said. "You guys should go back to your dorms,it's getting dark out"Hermione Said to Harry and Ron. "I'll come up soon"She Said.They Nodded And Left with theirs girlfriends. "Do you guys need anything"Draco asked the girls.The Girls Looked At each other,Smirking. "You really changed him Hermione,normally he doesn't care of we needed anything"Astoria Said. "Good job"Pansy agreed.Dracp scowled. "Enjoy the moment while it lastes"He snapped and walked out of the room. "Do you guys need anything?"Hermione Asked And they shook their heads. "We'll send you an owl if we do"Astoria Said. "Thank you Hermione,for everything,you forgave us and you take care of us,like a mother really"Astoria Added. "The Biggest Part is that you fixed Draco" Pansy Said. "He really was a mess Hermione"Theo stepped in. "Couldn't put his life together after the War.His Father Going to Azkaban,the whole world thinking he's bad and all.The words you told him on our first day back really helped him"Blaise Said. "Thank you"They Said together Hermione Smiled. "Your all my friends and friends are Family to me,And I'll do anything to help out my Family"She Said.She wished them good night and left.Draco was waiting for her. "The boys were exaggerating"Draco scoffed.Hermione Smiled At him. "It's ok to be a mess Draco,I was a total mess after the War but that's when you have to get your life back on track and I did,you did too"She Said.He kissed the top of her head and they headed back to their dorm.


Next morning they woke up to an owl sound.They Looked around the room,still half asleep. There was no owl in sight.They rubbeded their eyes and then saw the owl.Draco froze.It was his Dad's owl.He got up and opened the window.A chilly breeze entered the room.He took the letter and closed the window so Hermione wouldn't get cold.He opened the letter and read it silently.


I expect that you've realized the mistake you made and I'll forgive you once you get rid of the Mudblood.I'll see you at the end of the year,


Draco gritted his teeth.He took a piece of parchment and wrote back.


I made no mistake that day and I don't regret my decision.Quit calling her a mudblood because so far everyone who's said that word ended up dead.I'm not saying that for you,I'm saying it for Mother because she loves you.I won't be coming back to Malfoy Manor,Me and Hermione Are going somewhere else.Don't bother writing back because you won't be getting an answer.


He left and went to the owlery to send his letter.He sent it off with a barn owl since his Father might hurt His owl.When the owl flew away,Draco he sent a piece of parchment to Hermione's room telling her that he's in the Slytherin commen room and that he'll see her at Breakfast.He headed down to the commen room and entered.Surprisingly,it was full and no one had noticed him because they we're All talking. "Daphne,just let it go"Pansy's voice was heard.Draco was surprised,she wasn't supposed to be let out for another 2 hours. "Draco won't fall for you if you try to hex Hermione"Astoria Said. "How can you like her! She's a Gryffindor,a know-it-all,A Mudblood"Daphne snapped. "We know she's a Gryffindor and a know-it-all Daphne but at least she's likeable"Blaise Snapped Back.Daphne Glared At him. "Daphne let him go,Draco's in love with Granger"Tracey Said.She got over Draco after he stopped paying attention to her for 3 months straight. "I don't know how you can let him go Tracey! You should be fighting Granger!" Daphne said. "I tried to fight for him Daphne but all he cares about is Her!"Tracey snapped. "There's no point dating someone who likes another girl"She Said with tears in her eyes before she ran to the stairs that led to the 7th year girls dormitory. "She gave up before The end of the year"Daphne scoffed. "There's really no point Fighting"Draco spoke up,taking all the attention to him.He went over to the couch Blaise And Theo,Who were both holding babies,and Sat between them.Daphne Glared at Draco. "You can't be serious Draco"She said. "How could you just suddenly start liking her and all"She Asked. "I didn't just suddenly start liking her Greengrass. I've liked her for awhile now"He said. "How long is awhile?"Daphne snapped. "A few years" Draco shrugged. "Years!?"Daphne shrieked.Her eyes began to water and she ran out of the room. 

The Slytherins that were crowding around Daphne backed away and went to do something else. "You're out early"Draco said to the two Girls who held another two babies. "We got up and left this morning"Pansy Said. "Why were you here"She Asked. "We planned to gossip about you guys"Blaise Said. "But that didn't work"Theo Said.The girls Rolled their eyes at him. "You look annoyed Draco"Blaise Said After a bit. "Dr.Zabini is in business?"Draco Asked And Blaise Rolled his eyes. "What happened"Blaise Asked. "I got a letter from Lucius"Dracp Said. "What'd he say"Pansy Asked. "He thought that My decision was a mistake and said that he expects that I've realized the mistake and that he'll forgive me once I get rid of Hermione"He said. "Draco,don't answer his letters anymore"Astoira Said. "That's what I told him,don't bother sending me letters because I won't answer them"Draco said. "Enough of him"Theo Said. "Let's go get some Breakfast"He said and stood up. "You and Granger still have to show us our dorms"Blaise Said. "After We Eat"Draco Said.

They headed to the Great hall and ran into the Gryffindors,Hermione among them. "How are my godchildren?"Hermione Asked as she went over to Pansy.Harry,Ginny and Ron smirked at Draco's bewildered face. "What about me?"He asked. "I can see anytime I want,but they'll be in a different dorm"She Said with a small smirk. "Why don't I move out of the dorm then"Draco Said. "Good enough for me,then us girls can move in together"Hermione Said and Astoria,Pansy and Ginny nodded. "Good job Malfoy"Harry,Blaise,And Theo snapped and hit him on the back of the head and walked into the Great hall.Draco scowled at them as they all laughed.This time the Gryffindors Came And sat With the Slytherins.Most of the Slytherins raised an eyebrow at them but didn't talk,then some didn't care.They sat down and a few minutes later McGonagall Came to them. "Is there a reason you Gryffindors are sitting at the Slytherin table?"She Asked them. "We're helping them with the babies Professor"Hermione Said. "Blaise nor Theo Know how to take care of kids"She Added. "Hey!"Blaise And Theo snapped. "It's true though"Pansy Said. "Only for today"McGonagall Said and Walked back to the Teachers table.

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