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They paid for the sweets and They left the shop. "I forgot something"Draco said. "Stay here"He Said to Hermione And went back into the shop. "I need a vanilla cake with red icing on it"Draco said to Richard.Draco told him what to write on it and when he wanted it before he left the shop. "Let's go to the party shop now"Hermione Said when he came out. "We already spent an hour in there"She Added and Started walking to the Party shop with Draco.They entered it and saw a middle aged Witch with pale skin and walked up to her,knowing she worked there. "Ma'am,we need a few supplies for a Dance"Draco said to her. "Minerva sent you did she?"She Asked. "Yes" Hermione answered. "Great,I'm Kendra"She Said. "What Dance is it?"Kendra Asked. "Halloween dance"Draco said. "Halloween decorations are in row 6"She Said And pointed to the back.They thanked her and went to row 6.There were Magical flying Bats,put in small clear plastic bags, Halloween Banners that changed Images every 15 seconds,pumpkins,when carved,Walk around and a bunch more. "Why don't we get 10 packs of everything"Draco suggested. "We need to look through them first"Hermione Said.They Looked through them for half an hour before Going back to the front. "We need half of everything in the Halloween row"Draco said. "They'll be with you next Saturday"Kendra Said.They paid for it and left. "Now where?"Hermione Asked. "We got sweets,We got decorations,...Drinks"Draco Said. "We need punch,pumpkin Juice,Water bottles, and Butterbeer"He said. "We'll get the butterbeer and the water from The 3 broomsticks.The punch and Juice we can get from a cafeteria,one just opened last month"Hermione Said.They went to the new cafeteria and entered it.They went to the front and talked with the person there, dark skin,Dark Brown Hair And Green Eyes. "I'm Susan,What'd you need?"She asked politely. "We need Punch and Pumpkin juice for a Dance"Hermione Said. "The Halloween Dance At Hogwarts?"She Asked And They Nodded. "There's nothing better then Hogwarts Dances"Susan said. "How much do you need?"She Asked. "Around 500 bottles"Draco said. "You'll need more then that"She laughed. "A thousand would be good,There's a lot of students at Hogwarts"She Said. "I'll give it to you Half price"Susan said. "It'll be at Hogwarts on Halloween morning"She told them. "Thank you"Hermione Said.They ordered the drinks and left. "Now the clothes"Draco said. "Why don't I get mine and you get your's?"Hermione Said. "Fine with me"Draco Said And They went separate ways.

Hermione went to a Dress shop called fate of fabulous.She Came here twice during the Summer and bought a few dresses.She went in and quickly found a dress. It was a Ombre Chiffon Prom Dress One Shoulder Floor-Length Party Gown/dress.She looked through the sizes but didn't find her size.She went to the front desk to ask for help. "Hello Hermione"The Girl Said,She'd helped her the last time she was here.She had light brown hair like Hermione and Grey eyes with light toned skin.Her name was Katy."Hello"Hermione Smiled At Her. "Do you need help?"Katy asked. "Ya,Do you have any of those Dresses but in medium?"Hermione Asked as she pointed at the dress. "We ran out yesterday,We're Getting More Tuesday."Katy told her. "I can send it to Hogwarts and it'll get there Wednesday or Thursday"She Said. "I don't need it now,but Could you send it before Christmas?"Hermione Asked. "Of course,Do you need anything else"Katy asked. "Ya,Do you have a knee Lengthed dress?"Hermione Asked. "What colour?"She Asked. "Any colour is fine"She answered. "They're Back here"Katy said and led her to the back. "If you need any help,you know I'm at the front"She Said. "Thanks"Hermione Said as Katy left.She looked through it and found a Wine Red Vintage Princess Floral Lace Cocktail Neckline aline swing Dress that ended below the knee.This time she did find her size and got the dress.Katy scanned the dresses for Hermione and put it in a bag. "You'll get your prom dress soon"Katy told her, "thank you"Hermione Said And Left the store,she hadn't realized it had been 2 hours.She looked around and saw Draco walking towards her. "Got a dress?"Draco Asked, "ya,got your dress robes?"Hermione Asked. "Yup,Now where do we go?" Draco Asked. "We can go look for shoes?"She suggested. "I got mine,You get your shoes,I need to get a watch"Draco Said.They again went separate ways.

Draco went to a Jewelry store and bought an all diamond Watch.He exited the store and went to the store Hermione had bought her dress from. "Excuse me"Draco walked up to Katy. "Hello Malfoy"Katy said Politely. "Granger was just here,what dress did she buy?"Draco Asked. "Do you know her?"She Asked. "Yes,We're heads at Hogwarts"He said. "Ok"She Nodded "Which one?" Katy asked. "The one She just bought"Draco Said.She put it onto the counter and showed him it. "She ordered this one too"Katy said and pointed to the blue one Hermione was getting for Christmas.Draco looked at where she pointed and saw it,It was a nice dress.Katy went and got it,putting it on the counter. "She's wearing that to the Halloween Dance?"He asked. "No,she's wearing that to the Christmas one"She Said before realizing something. "You're taking her to the Dance are you?"Katy smiled slightly. "Maybe"He said.She smirked at him and he rolled his eyes. "I'll be right back" He said before leaving.He went back to the Jewelry store and He got a diamond and Blue sapphire necklace, (circular blue sapphire starting then a swerve of Diamond connecting to another circular blue sapphire,swerve of diamond and ending it with a circular blue sapphire. The chain was made of all diamond)Earrings (exactly like the Necklace but smaller and instead of the chain it's a hoop of diamond to actually make the earrings earrings) then there was the bracelet (it was a pattern of tiny blue circular sapphire and tiny swerves of diamond). "Keep these in the Malfoy Safe"Draco Said to the worker at the Jewelry store and handed him the things.Draco paid for them and went back to Katy. "Did she pay for it?"He asked "no"She Said. "Take the needed amount from my vault"He said.

He went inside the shoe store where Hermione was. "Size 7 ma'am?"Draco Heard One Of the workers ask Hermione. "Ya"He heard Hermione's voice.He might as well buy her the shoes.He went to the expensive side of the shoe store.One Of the workers there helped him find some heels for her. "These should fit Ms.Granger"She Said.They were a royal blue pair of Open Toe heels with An diamond ankle strap and chuncky heel. "Keep them in the Malfoy Safe"Draco said.  "Keep them there and send me them when you get an owl from me telling you too"He said. "Of course Mr.Malfoy"The lady said and left.Draco walked over to Hermione who was still trying on shoes. "Why don't you try these?"Draco Asked as he pulled out a pair of short Chunky Heeled Ankle strapped heels that were the same colour as her dress.She tried them on and they fit perfectly. "How'd you know what colour my dress was?"Hermione Asked. "Lucky guess"Draco shrugged. "We'll buy them"Draco told the worker. "Wait,I can't wear heels"Hermione Said. "They're low,you'll be fine"He rolled his eyes.They bought the heels and a pair of Black tights before leaving. "Our 5 hours are almost done"Draco said,looking at his new watch. "We have 10 minuets"he said. "We can get ice cream sundays?"Hermione suggested. "Ya,I want ice cream" Draco agreed and went to buy some.They went infront of ollivanders and waited.McGonagall Came a minute later. "Did you get everything?"She Asked "We'll Tell You When we're back in your office"Draco said and they Apparated to Hogwarts. "We bought the sweets and the decorations,We bought the clothes and shoes and we got the drinks"Hermione Said. "The drinks will arrive at Hogwarts Halloween morning,The food will come a day before Halloween and the Decorations should come before Halloween as well"Draco said. "Perfect"McGonagall Said. "Now The last thing I forgot to tell you.I see it won't be much of a problem since you two are friends" She Said. "You two will be going to the dance together,Every Dance together.It is traditional that the head boy and Girl go together"She Said. "Alright"They Nodded.They Left And went to their dorm.

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