poem #200

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you would look at me like I had stars in my eyes
as if I held the galaxy in the palm of my hand
and when you kissed me, you told me I was beautiful ,
you said it was like if all the planets aligned to make me
the freckles the printed my skin made you think of small constellations scattered on my cheek
and you kissed the scars that painted my legs and stomach
as if they were burns from shooting stars
when you traced Saturn on my wrist it made me giggle,
it was my favourite thing ya know
and I swear when you told me you loved me , it was like it was only us
just standing there In your kitchen like nothing in the world mattered
as if maybe we could stop the earth from spinning by just breathing
you smelled like outer space and comet dust
and all I wanted to do was fall asleep under the night sky with you
and I just wanna know when you look at her
does she have stars in her eyes too?

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