Poem #209

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"When it gets too hard to focus on the big things in life, when the point of existing starts getting hazy and you know you're slipping , and you feel like there's nothing to wake up for , just remember the small things
like how the grass grows in the cracks of sidewalks and the ants on the side of the school walls
the way the sun hits the black road and how people smile to themselves when they walk
or the joyful screams little kids make on roller coasters
how about the way smoke goes up into the air , or how stars form and shine and explode and than recreate all over again , or how the street light flickers , or the way the tree branch shadows look at night

remember that you're in a really big universe, on a earth that's spinning in outer space , it's okay to feel a little lost sometimes. It okay to fall down. but you will get back up.

you've got this. "

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