poem #218

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"I thought of you In bio class today
we were learning about ecosystems
I'm not sure at what point that made me think of you and your hazel eyes
or the freckles you have on the right side of your nose
I don't know at what point my mind thought it was ok to have me remember your cursive handwriting
and the snap memories I have of us snuggled together
just to mend our bleeding hearts
I despise the fact that I still know you hate skittles
but you love the chicken Alfredo from Olive Garden
sadly I remember exactly what the valentine gifts you gave me two years ago were
and how your perfume smelled when i hugged you for the first time in forever
I don't understand why it had to be today in bio class for me to study you In my mind
so I put my head down to hide my face when the bell rang
and walked faster than the people next to me
what the hell was I supposed to do ?
I cant let them catch me thinking about you
and just when I was watching the dirt on my black converse move along with my shoes I wondered
does this happen to you too?"
This wasn't ab what my other peoms have been ab , just thought I'd clarify . This ones ab someone else lol
-your very own broken girl ❤️

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