poem #203

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"We as human beings must be willing to accept people who are different from ourselves."
-Barbara Jordan

I tapped my pencil like a butterfly beating its wings
thinking of what this meant
a thousand pair of eyes were on me
waiting for me to answer
I raised my soft voice and spoke bravely

"this means that people are going to differ from our society's standard of 'normal'. Different dating lives , home lives, religious beliefs and styles do exist . In this world we're all just trying to make the best of the disaster falling around us. Don't pretend you don't see it. The fire spreading . The screams quickening. So instead of making others feel like an outsider, as if they're an inconvenience to the rest of us , who have our noses in the air , we should welcome them. Acknowledge them for who they are. Humans just like you and me . You don't have to agree with how they live , but respect and treat them like you would anyone else . Others are not a bother. We are not a bother. Don't pretend you don't know us. Not everyone is the same , and that is okay. It's perfect . So smile at that man with tattoos and piercings, wave at the girl with scars, and hug the women who's raising her kids by herself . Tell her she's doing a good job. Because you can be you, but don't put others down for being them.

after that , my whole class clapped for me.
This is a true story from my English class. :)
-your very own broken girl

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