poem #219

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"just stay for a little longer"
they remind me
"keep going please"
"be stronger"
"don't quit"
"youre so strong"
"be brave"
"don't give up you've been doing great"
"stay strong"
If only they knew
how many things i was trying not to quit on
how many things I am staying strong for
how many things I've been brave for when I was shaking
if only they knew how many times I haven't given up
how many times I've put the blades and alcohol back
how many times I've needed them and they weren't there
then maybe they'd understand when I start to bleed from my scars again
maybe they'd understand when I walk into traffic
maybe they'd understand when I tell them I can't stay strong anymore
cause I've been staying strong for so many things at once , that one of them was bound to slip
and I'm sorry it had to be me
This is so shitty I'm so sorry
I haven't been doing great lately
Anyways today's homecoming so that's cool
-your very own broken girl❤️

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